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0.0002 SECONDS:
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0.0002 SECONDS:
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0.0002 SECONDS:
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0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `banners` WHERE `banner_locations` LIKE '%all-events%'

Thu 13th - Sun 23rd March, 2025

888 Glasgow

at Grosvenor Casino Glasgow, Merchant City, 16/18 Glassford Street, Glasgow, G1 1UL

Join 888 for the first time ever 888poker LIVE Glasgow 2025, a premier event in the vibrant city of Glasgow, Scotland, running from March 13th to March 23rd, 2025.

Glasgow, celebrated for its stunning architecture and warm hospitality, offers the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable poker experience. The festival will take place at the Merchant City Casino, known for its state-of-the-art facilities and welcoming environment. Players can look forward to a variety of events, including the highly anticipated Main Event with a buy-in of £888.

This festival promises not only thrilling poker action but also an opportunity to connect with fellow players and enjoy the unique charm of Glasgow. With numerous side events and satellite tournaments leading up to the Main Event, there’s something for everyone, whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the game.

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