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Grosvenor Goliath

Grosvenor Goliath is the largest live poker tournament held outside of Las Vegas. 

MainEventTravel.com is the Official Travel Partner of Grosvenor Poker and the Goliath, and has fantastic hotel rates available nearby to suit every player's budget. Book your travel in advance as hotels sell out for this massive annual festival. 

See Grosvenor Poker National Poker League for full details of the NPL promotion.


Upcoming Tour Stops

Thursday 24th July - Sunday 3rd August, 2025

Goliath 2025

Grosvenor Casino Coventry, Coventry Building Society Arena, Phoenix Way, Coventry, CV6 6GE

Grosvenor has just announced their 2025 dates for Goliath and full schedule has been released!

Main Event Buy-in  - £200

    Find Hotels, Flights & More       View Complete Schedule  
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