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Latest News & Blogs

July 2024

Goliath Hotels from as low as £48 per night on MainEventTravel.com

Whether it's for 1 night or 10, MET has some of the best prices going on dozens of hotels in Coventry.

Malta Poker Festival Packages and Hotels on Early Bird Offer

Malta is going to be a hot-bed of poker action this Autumn with a slew of massive events taking place from October 28. 

Main Event Travel Join PokerPro Baltic Road Trip to WSOP Circuit Tallinn

Main Event Travel Join PokerPro Baltic Road Trip to WSOP Circuit Tallinn

Countdown to EPT Barcelona 2024

As the WSOP reaches the business end, it's time to plan your next major tournament, and EPT Barcelona ticks all the boxes, promising an action-packed festival in the beautiful Catalan capital! 

Gearing up for UKIPT London

The penultimate stop of this year’s UK and Ireland Poker Tour kicks off early next month with a ten-day festival at the landmark Hippodrome Casino in London’s Leicester Square. UKIPT London runs August 2-11 with 25 different tournaments on the schedule.

EPT Barcelona is just 8 weeks away!

It may seem far off, but it's around the corner. Now is the time to book as hotels are in high demand, and the best rooms get snapped up quickly!

It’s Prime Time to Plan Your WPT Travel

Book your worldwide Flights and Hotels with The Trip Leader.

The WSOP announces the return of its WSOP Circuit Events

Featuring 18 stops in the US and Internationally in 2024.

June 2024

Book Goliath Hotels With The Trip Leader

You don’t have to spend a fortune on Goliath Accommodation at MainEventTravel.com.

MET Continues Partnership with Malta Poker Festival Autumn 2024

MPF is set to be another smash hit this Autumn and MainEventTravel.com is on hand to get you there with VIP Packages, Hotels, Flights, Buy-ins, and more.

2024 EPT Barcelona Hotels

Huge numbers are expected at this year's EPT Barcelona after 2023's sensational festival which attracted over 2,100 entries for the €5,300 Main Event and featured more than 60 different tournaments.

Book your Barcelona Hotel with Luxon Pay and Get Back 5%

Book your Hotel in Barcelona for 5 Nights or More Using Luxon Pay at Check Out This Week Only and Receive 5% Back in Future Travel Credit

Ten Weeks to EPT Barcelona

With EPT Barcelona just 10 weeks away, now is the time to start thinking about booking your accommodation!

Great Rates on Goliath Hotels in Coventry

MainEventTravel.com is here to get you to Goliath with hotels dotted nearby in Coventry, many for less than £100 per night, ensuring you can enjoy the event without breaking the bank (roll!)

Goliath Ladies Event Package Giveaway

Two Lucky Lasses will win their way to the event this year by sharing details about the event and the promotion with a female friend, and women players world-wide.

 James Jones wins GUKPT Leeds

Cash game player James Jones has won the £1,000 GUKPT Leeds Main Event for £36,150. Jones, who came into the final as one of the shorter stacks, defeating John Bousfield heads-up to secure his first-ever GUKPT trophy.

Win a Package in our ‘Get Me To Goliath’ Giveaway

If you're heading to the upcoming Goliath in Coventry, you don’t have to spend a fortune on accommodation.

Father’s Day Gift Vouchers from MainEventTravel.com

Elevate your Gift-Giving Game with MainEventTravel.com Gift Vouchers and give your Poker loving Papa the gift he REALLY wants, A POKER TRIP!!

May 2024

Give Dad the Gift of Poker Travel this Father’s Day!

Bored of giving your Poker loving Papa suited socks and ties? Elevate your Gift-Giving Game with MainEventTravel.com Gift Vouchers and give the ol’ man a pressie he won’t forget!

Ryan O’Donnell wins GUKPT London; next up GUKPT Leeds

Online pro Ryan O’Donnell has won the second GUKPT London Main Event of the year after taking down the 249-entry Main Event at the Poker Room for £56,760.

WSOP 2024 Payout Changes and How to Get More Bang For Your Buck Up Top!

New payout structures have been announced for WSOP 2024, giving players who make the money but miss out on deep runs and FT more than previous years.

WSOP Payout Changes and MET's FinalTableFreeroll

Main EventTravel.com adds value to all WSOP Live Event Final Tablists with the exclusive #FinalTableFreeroll promotion.

Avoid The Vegas FOMO This Summer!

The WSOP attracts so much noise every year that it’s easy to forget that there are a ton of other poker festivals taking place over the Summer that promise just as much fun (and sun!)

Turn your trip to UKIPT Malaga into a real Playcation

Turn your trip to UKIPT Malaga into a real Playcation! Check out our hotels for UKIPT Malaga and just change the default dates in the search area to give yourself a longer holiday.

Book UKIPT Malaga Hotels & Flights with MET

MainEventTravel has plentiful accommodation options near the Benalmadena venue and a ton of budget flights from airports all over the UK on MET website.

Book Your Portugal Adventure with Luxon Pay and Get 5% Back

Portugal is the perfect location for a Playcation this summer as The Irish Poker Tour embarks on an exciting festival offering players a mix of sun, fun, and top-class poker action.

Debut UKIPT Malaga set to attract huge numbers

A real treat is in store for sun-lovers next month with the debut of PokerStars’ UKIPT Malaga event.

Portugal is the Perfect Location for a Poker Playcation this Summer!

Book a Playcation in Portugal this Summer with MainEventTravel.com and enjoy sun, fun, and poker along a 13km stretch of pristine sands and crystal-clear waters.

There are two ways to avoid Vegas FOMO this Summer!

If you want to avoid LVFOMO this Summer, either get your skates on and ook your Vegas trip now, or just book yourself a trip to one of the many fantastic poker festivals taking place in Europe, or elsewhere around the world!

Pay When You Stay

The MainEventTravel.com team is continuously working behind the scenes to enhance the booking platform to offer the best experience for poker travelers, including Pay When You Stay Hotel booking options

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