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December 2024

GUKPT Coventry Kicks Off the 2025 Season

The Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) is set to commence its 19th season with Leg 1 in Coventry, running from January 9 to 19, 2025. This event boasts a total of £600,000 in guarantees, offering players a substantial prize pool to compete for.

November 2024

Get Ready for the GUKPT Grand Final 2024 in Luton!

The Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) Grand Final is back in Luton, running from November 21 to December 1, 2024, at the Grosvenor Casino. This prestigious event marks the finale of the 2024 poker season, offering a packed schedule of tournaments for players of all levels.

September 2024

Celebrating Katie Swift, and GUKPT Luton Result

Katie Swift came agonisingly close to becoming the first ever female GUKPT champion as she battled Seb Crane who won the title and £66,000, his largest live cash.

June 2024

Book Goliath Hotels With The Trip Leader

You don’t have to spend a fortune on Goliath Accommodation at MainEventTravel.com.

Goliath Ladies Event Package Giveaway

Two Lucky Lasses will win their way to the event this year by sharing details about the event and the promotion with a female friend, and women players world-wide.

 James Jones wins GUKPT Leeds

Cash game player James Jones has won the £1,000 GUKPT Leeds Main Event for £36,150. Jones, who came into the final as one of the shorter stacks, defeating John Bousfield heads-up to secure his first-ever GUKPT trophy.

Win a Package in our ‘Get Me To Goliath’ Giveaway

If you're heading to the upcoming Goliath in Coventry, you don’t have to spend a fortune on accommodation.

May 2024

Ryan O’Donnell wins GUKPT London; next up GUKPT Leeds

Online pro Ryan O’Donnell has won the second GUKPT London Main Event of the year after taking down the 249-entry Main Event at the Poker Room for £56,760.

Chris Johnson wins GUKPT Luton for £48,570

 Chris Johnson has won his second GUKPT title after taking down GUKPT Luton for £48,570.

April 2024

Mcaulay wins GUKPT Edinburgh

Huge congratulations to Scottish player Paul Mcaulay who has won GUKPT Edinburgh for £34,110. Mcaulay, who runs a flooring company near Glasgow, beat 2022 Player of the Year Matt Davenport heads-up to secure his first major tournament victory. There were 184 entries creating a prize pool of £153,980.

March 2024

Geilich becomes two-time champ at GUKPT Blackpool

Grosvenor sponsored pro Ludovic Geilich has sensationally won a second GUKPT title, taking down the £1,250 buy-in Main Event in Blackpool for £56,150. His victory comes only two months after he joined Team Grosvenor and less than four months since finishing fourth in Blackpool last November.

GUKPT Blackpool Schedule, Hotels & FTF

The third leg of Grosvenor’s GUKPT tour starts this week in Blackpool with an action-packed schedule.

GUKPT Multi-Day Events Included in #FinalTableFreeroll Promotion

MainEventTravel.com is excited to announce that we are including all multi-day GUKPT events in our fantastic promotion, #FinalTableFreeroll, for Blackpool and the rest of 2024!

February 2024

Get the Hotel Lowdown for GUKPT Blackpool 10th - 17th March

With just a couple of weeks before the GUKPT kicks off in the popular Lancashire seaside resort of Blackpool, now is the time to book!

Meli wins GUKPT Manchester; up next UK Poker Open + GUKPT Blackpool

French player Vince Meli has won the GUKPT Manchester Main Event at the second leg of this year’s GUKPT. He scored £83,895 after beating Tom Laghzaoui heads-up.

Check out UK Poker Open Coventry Schedule and Accommodation

Last year the UK Poker Open immediately broke records as the biggest Grosvenor tournament ever held.

January 2024

Luke Porter wins first GUKPT Main Event of 2024; next up UK Poker League in Coventry

Luke Porter has won his first-ever major tournament after taking down GUKPT London, the first GUKPT event of 2024. The 40-year-old beat British poker pro Tom Hall heads-up to secure his victory and a £116,710 first prize, nearly ten times his previous total in live tournament winnings.

Ludovic “Gr4vyB04t” Geilich joins Team Grosvenor

Ludovic Geilich, one of the UK’s most successful poker players, has joined #TeamGrosvenor as its newest Sponsored Pro.

Heading to GUKPT London this week? Here are six hotels conveniently sited near the Vic!

The Hilton Metropole is a top choice for the GUKPT Grand Final – it’s super-convenient, comfortable and not too pricey.

December 2023

Bousfield Celebrates Grosvenor National Poker League Record

While Cal Morreale has been officially announced as the 2023 Grosvenor Player of the Year, it was also an amazing year for serial NPL package winner John Bousfield.

Cal Morreale wins 2023 Grosvenor Player of the Year

Cal Morreale has been officially announced as the 2023 Grosvenor Player of the Year after a sensational year in which he dominated the National Poker League leaderboard right from the outset.

Bag your room now for GUKPT London 2024!

Barely has the dust settled on GUKPT 2023 then it’s time to start planning for the first event of 2024! GUKPT London is taking place at its traditional home – the iconic Poker Room at the Grosvenor Victoria Casino – and will feature a total of 11 different live tournaments from January 4 to 14.

Vas Nunes wins GUKPT Grand Final 2023

The GUKPT Grand Final has wrapped up at the Poker Room in London’s iconic Grosvenor Victoria Casino with British player Paul Vas Nunes scooping the top honours in the £2k Main Event. Sporting a fetching Christmas jumper, the Guildford-based pro told the Tower he’d been hoping for some gifts – and he was rewarded handsomely with a first prize of £140,000 and the GUKPT Grand Final trophy.

November 2023

GUKPT Grand Final beckons – London hotel lowdown!

The GUKPT heads to London for its annual season-ending Grand Final this week, if you haven’t booked your accommodation now is the time to do it!

Congrats to GUKPT Blackpool Champion Ian Gascoigne; next up GUKPT Grand Final!

Financial whizz Ian Gascoigne has won the GUKPT Blackpool Main Event after a series of final table deals with runner-up Callum Gordon and third-placed Josh Radley.

October 2023

GUKPT Blackpool – The Hotel Low-Down from Grosvenor’s Official Travel Partner

There are just a few weeks before the GUKPT kicks off in the popular Lancashire seaside resort of Blackpool. GUKPT Blackpool is running from November 9 to November 19 with a feast of poker action on offer. In addition to the £1,250 GUKPT Blackpool Main Event, which gets underway on November 16, schedule highlights include a £150 + £150 + £30 Mystery Bounty, £250 Mini Main, £2k High Roller and £550 GUKPT Cup.

Patsourakis wins GUKPT Leeds; 888poker LIVE Coventry & GUKPT Blackpool up next

Cash game player Kostas Patsourakis showed he is also a whizz at live tournaments too when he took down the £1,000 buy-in GUKPT Leeds Main Event for £78,419 on Sunday night. Kostas only had one previous cash to his name prior to Leeds – a Road to PSPC event in his hometown of Newcastle four years ago.

September 2023

Stuart Rutter wins GUKPT Luton; next stop Leeds!

Birmingham poker pro Stuart Rutter has claimed his second GUKPT title after taking down GUKPT Luton last night for a giant first prize of £62,368.

All Eyes on Luton for Next GUKPT

The next big event on the Grosvenor calendar is the GUKPT’s second visit of the year to Luton. The festival gets underway at the Grosvenor Casino on September 14 with a packed line-up of tournaments scheduled.

August 2023

Liao wins GUKPT London Main Event

Weixiao Liao has won the GUKPT London Main Event for £75,501 after cutting a four-way deal with runner-up Longmao Fan, third-placed Tom Middleton and Jiaze Le who finished fourth.

Last couple days to be in with a chance to win a GUKPT London Package!

GUKPT London kicks off at the Poker Room at the iconic Grosvenor Victoria Casino this week! MainEventTravel.com has teamed up with Grosvenor Poker to offer players an incredible chance to win a GUKPT London Main Event package worth £1,750.

GUKPT London Promises Fantastic Follow-up to Goliath

With Goliath now wrapped after a hectic 11 days in Coventry, the flagship Grosvenor UK Poker Tour is off to the UK capital! GUKPT London is Leg 6 of this year’s tour and will be taking place at the Grosvenor Victoria’s iconic Poker Room from August 17 to August 27.

Matt Davenport wins GUKPT Main Event at Goliath

Matt Davenport, the 2022 Grosvenor Player of the Year, has won the biggest score of his career by taking down the GUKPT Main Event at Goliath for £116,200.  

July 2023

Win a GUKPT London Main Event Package with MainEventTravel.com!

MainEventTravel.com has teamed up with Grosvenor Poker to offer players an incredible chance to win a GUKPT London Main Event package worth £1,750.

MET announces amazing GUKPT London giveaway as Grosvenor releases exciting London schedule

GUKPT London kicks off at the Poker Room at the iconic Grosvenor Victoria Casino next month and, to celebrate the release of the festival schedule, MainEventTravel.com has teamed up with Grosvenor Poker to offer players an incredible chance to win a GUKPT London Main Event package worth £1,750.

Your first Goliath!? Grosvenor Ambassadors Katie, Jamie and Rick give their Top Tips for Newbies!

With more than 20 tournaments on the schedule, in addition to the £150 buy-in Main Event, players will be spoiled for choice at this year’s Goliath which is taking place from July 27 to August 6.

June 2023

From Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Karaoke to 150 GUKPTs – Grosvenor pays Tribute to Phil “The Tower” Heald

One very special trophy was handed out at GUKPT Luton last week … to mark commentator Phil “The Tower” Heald’s remarkable achievement of attending all 150 legs of the GUKPT since the tour first started in 2007. 

Chris Day beats Jamie Le to win first GUKPT Luton of the year

Chris Day has won GUKPT Luton for a monster first prize of £88,150 after beating reigning Luton champion Jamie Le heads-up.

May 2023

GUKPT gets underway today in Luton!

The GUKPT tour – now in its 17th season – typically visits Luton twice a year and this first edition is taking place starting today, May 25 with Day1A of the 25/50, and runs through to June 4 when the Final Day of the GUKPT Main Event and GUKPT Cup take place.

Grosvenor Road to Vegas

More than 25 players have won an incredible £4,000 trip to Vegas this summer thanks to Grosvenor Poker’s “Road to Vegas” promotion.

Scottish superstar Ludovic Geilich wins GUKPT Edinburgh

Ludovic Geilich has taken down the GUKPT Edinburgh Main Event at the Grosvenor Maybury Casino for £79,590. The Scottish superstar beat a field of 366 entries to win the event, his first GUKPT title and biggest ever GUKPT cash.

April 2023

Time to book GUKPT Edinburgh

The GUKPT is heading north soon for its annual jaunt to Edinburgh. The festival is Leg 4 of this year’s 17th GUKPT season and gets underway next week with an action-packed £150 + 30 + 150 Mystery Bounty event. The £1,000 buy-in GUKPT Edinburgh Main Event starts on May 11.

Grosvenor releases GUKPT Luton Schedule

Grosvenor has released the schedule for the first GUKPT Luton of the year which is taking place from May 25 to June 4.

Countdown to Goliath 2023 in Coventry

This year’s Grosvenor Goliath festival promises to be the biggest y­­­­et after a record-breaking year in 2022. The Goliath festival is taking place slightly earlier this Summer and will run from July 27 to August 6 at the Coventry Building Society Arena in the Midlands.

March 2023

Congrats to GUKPT Blackpool champion Lin Chen

Massive congrats to Lin Chen who has just taken down the GUKPT Blackpool Main Event for £65,310. It was a chop for the final three with runner-up Greg King from Ireland snagging £57,855 and third-placed Peter Charalambous winning £53,915.

Goliath Main Event dates released – bag your hotel room now!

Grosvenor has just announced dates for this year’s Goliath Main Event, fuelling a flurry of activity on MainEventTravel.com as people rush to book accommodation near the Coventry Building Society Arena.

GUKPT Blackpool & the eagerly-awaited Kav Cup!

Following the stonking success of the debut UK Poker Open – which created a record Main Event prize pool of nearly £1.5 million last week – Grosvenor fans are very buoyed up for the next Grosvenor event in Blackpool.

February 2023

The UK Poker Open kicks off on Friday 24 February!

The £1 million guaranteed UK Poker Open festival gets underway in Coventry in just over one week!

Cal Morreale wins GUKPT Manchester; up next UK Poker Open

GUKPT regular Cal Morreale has won the Main Event at the second leg of this year’s GUKPT in Manchester.

Book now for the £1 million guaranteed UK Poker Open

The countdown is on with just over two weeks to go before the £1 million guaranteed UK Poker Open festival gets underway in Coventry on February 24 with Event 1. 

GUKPT Manchester is underway

Leg 2 of this year’s GUKPT tournament line-up is up and running with a 10-day live event in Manchester.

January 2023

Bag your room now for the inaugural £1 million guaranteed UK Poker Open

There is a month to go before the inaugural UK Poker Open festival which gets underway in Coventry with the first satellite from February 19. The Main Event – known as the UK Open – starts March 1 and comes with a £1 million guaranteed prize pool.

Jon McCann wins first GUKPT Main Event of 2023

Jonathan McCann has scored his biggest ever live cash by taking down the £1,250 buy-in GUKPT London Main Event for £89,122. The Cumbria-based player was part of an ICM three-way deal with Cal Morreale and Devan-Kumar Patel which left the title, trophy, and £10,000 to play for.

GUKPT Season 16 kicks off in London at The Poker Room at the Vic

Grosvenor Poker kicks off its 2023 GUKPT tour in one week with its time-honoured starting-point in London: the Poker Room at the Grosvenor Victoria Casino.

December 2022

Grosvenor releases schedule for new £1 million guaranteed UK Poker Open

Grosvenor Poker has released the schedule for its new UK Poker Open event which is taking place in Coventry starting February 19. The £1,000,000 guaranteed Main Event – known as the UK Open – starts on March 1 and has a £1,500 buy-in with five different starting flights.

Dan Bedson wins GUKPT Grand Final 2022

The GUKPT Grand Final has wrapped up at the Poker Room in London’s iconic Grosvenor Victoria Casino with PLO cash game player Dan Bedson scooping the top prize of £105,000.

Congrats to Matt Davenport, Grosvenor Player of the Year

After a spectacular year demonstrating incredible consistency and poker acumen, Matt Davenport has won the prestigious Grosvenor Player of the Year contest and a three-year sponsorship deal with Grosvenor worth £40,000.

Jamie Nixon and The Grand Final London thus far, plus so much more to come!

Grosvenor Ambassador Jamie Nixon is amongst the week one winners at The GUKPT Grand Final London, taking down his first-ever GUKPT Main Event for a career-best live cash of £93,970.

November 2022

Less than two weeks until GUKPT Grand Final!

The hugely popular Grosvenor UK Poker Tour is back in London next month for its annual Christmas extravaganza at the Poker Room at the Grosvenor Victoria Casino.

Clossick wins GUKPT Blackpool Main Event for £109,000

Podcaster Jamie Clossick has won the GUKPT Blackpool Main Event in his home town for a bumper prize of £109,000.

October 2022

Blackpool beckons for GUKPT fans

For many GUKPT enthusiasts, the forthcoming festival in Blackpool is their favourite event of the year. Located at Grosvenor Casino Blackpool, the 10-day festival is a calendar highlight and the last chance to win big on the tour before December’s Grand Final in London.

Main Event Travel talks to Matt Davenport: one to watch

One of the real stars at the GUKPT’s Luton festival last week was Macclesfield player Matt Davenport. Down to just 1.5 BBs on Day 3 with around 12 players left, he managed to recover, make the final table and finish third for £41,050.

Jamie Le wins GUKPT Luton for £96,630

Jamie Le won a fiercely-contested battle in Luton on Sunday night to become the latest GUKPT champion. Along with his trophy, the father-of-two from Birmingham has snagged a giant cash prize of £96,630 in the £1,100 buy-in event after beating a 353-entry field.

GUKPT Luton starts Thursday

The second GUKPT Luton of the year gets underway at the Grosvenor Casino on Thursday with a packed schedule of tournaments planned for the ten-day festival.

August 2022

Goliath schedule to feature first Mystery Bounty event

There is extra excitement in store at Grosvenor’s giant Goliath festival later this month with the addition of the first ever Mystery Bounty tournament to the schedule. The three-day tournament starts on Sunday, August 28 with a £220 + £200 + £40 buy-in and is one of the highlights of the Goliath’s tenth anniversary festival, which runs from August 25 to September 4 and has been aptly dubbed “Goliath X”.

January 2022

2022 set for stellar start at GUKPT London in January!

The GUKPT always gets the new poker year off to a cracking start with their traditional “Leg 1” festival at the Poker Room at the Victoria Casino in London.

November 2021

Get ready for the GUKPT Grand Final 2022

The hugely popular Grosvenor UK Poker Tour is making the Poker Room at the Victoria Casino in London an absolute must-visit destination for poker players right now. 

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