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Tuesday 1st August, 2023

Matt Davenport wins GUKPT Main Event at Goliath

By Mad Harper

Matt Davenport, the 2022 Grosvenor Player of the Year, has won the biggest score of his career by taking down the GUKPT Main Event at Goliath for £116,200.


The 48-year-old from Macclesfield says he’s been chasing a GUKPT Main Event title for years and is thrilled to have won in Coventry where his GUKPT journey first began.


Tributes poured in for Davenport who was awarded a £40k sponsorship deal from Grosvenor after topping last year’s National Poker League. One Facebook fan described Davenport’s performance as “a masterclass at the final table” while Grosvenor Ambassador Katie Swift wrote: “Congratulations Matt. Top result for a top bloke!”.


Even though Davenport garnered 530 points in last year’s National Poker League and won more than £250,000 at GUKPT events around the country, this was his first ever GUKPT title. The £1,000 buy-in tournament attracted 550 entries creating a £489,600 prize pool. He beat cash game player Scott Meredith heads-up to snag the title, trophy and massive first prize.


Davenport said: “I’m absolutely buzzing. I’ve been chasing one of these for years. Tournament poker is a hard way to make a living, make no bones about it, and when you’re not running well, it’s tough. I’ve had lots of near misses so it’s great to be finally able to call myself a GUKPT champ “


“It’s been a long time coming. It all started for me here in Coventry in 2012 when I was heads-up with Martyn Frey. That was my first big score so it’s quite fitting that I’ve actually won this one.”


“I’m so proud to be wearing the Grosvenor patch. Grosvenor’s my favourite tour – always has been – there is such a family vibe around the place. Everyone is like one big family.”


Davenport was on a real tear in 2022 and cashed at every single GUKPT festival he attended. His roll call of accolades included a runner-up finish in the GUKPT Luton Main Event in June and victory in the inaugural £500 GUKPT Cup. He also made the final of the second GUKPT Luton event, finished seventh in the GUKPT Leeds Main Event and won a Grosvenor 25/25 No Limit event.


His lifetime tournament winnings are now over $1.5 million putting him in the top 100 on the Hendon Mob’s England all-time money list. Despite a slow start on the Grosvenor tour this year, he thrived in Vegas including a $15k cash in the World Series Main Event. In Coventry, he has already followed up his spectacular Main Event win with a sixth-place finish in the High Roller for £6,600.


Runner-up Meredith, who won a career-best £81,000, free-rolled into the Main Event thanks to topping the cash game league at his local Grosvenor casino in Birmingham Hill Street. It was the first GUKPT he had ever played. Others who cashed included Dan Laidlaw, Grosvenor Ambassador Euan McNicholas, Stuart Rutter, Robbie Bull and Tom Hall.


There are still plenty of events on at Goliath including the Goliath Main Event, Super High Roller, Goliath Cup and APAT Open Championship. Make sure you have somewhere to stay – MainEventTravel.com is the Official Travel Partner for Goliath and can help you bag your room now.



Win a Main Event package for GUKPT London
Following Goliath, it’s off to
GUKPT London which kicks off at the Poker Room on August 17. MainEventTravel is offering all players an incredible chance to win a GUKPT London Main Event package worth £1,750. Simply book any accommodation or travel to London via MainEventTravel between now and midnight on August 16 (the day before GUKPT London starts on August 17) and you’ll be automatically entered into a free draw.


The £1,750 prize package includes your £1,250 buy-in for the GUKPT London Main Event plus an online MainEventTravel.com travel credit valued at £500. The winner will also be able to choose which GUKPT London Main Event starting day they play: either Day 1a on August 24 or Day 1b on August 25.  Full details and Ts & Cs can be found here.

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