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888poker UK Poker League

UKPL by 888poker is an exclusive new poker league that’s set to take the UK by storm with exciting live events in various Grosvenor Casinos across the country!

Whether you’re based in the North, South, East or West, you’ll find a UKPL event to join. 

The UKPL will be heading to Portsmouth, Newcastle, Reading South, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Coventry

Upcoming Tour Stops

Tuesday 1st - Sunday 6th April, 2025

UKPL Newcastle

Grosvenor Casino Newcastle, 100 St James Boulevard, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4BN

Main Event buy-in are £560

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Tuesday 27th May - Sunday 1st June, 2025

UKPL Reading South

Grosvenor Casino Reading South, Rose Kiln Lane, Reading, RG2 0SN

Main Event buy-in are £560

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Tuesday 17th - Sunday 22nd June, 2025

UKPL Edinburgh

Grosvenor Casino Edinburgh, 1 - 5 South Maybury, Edinburgh, EH12 8NE

Main Event buy-in are £560

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Tuesday 30th September - Sunday 5th October, 2025

UKPL Liverpool

Grosvenor Casino Liverpool, 44 Chaloner Street, Liverpool, L3 4BF

Main Event buy-in are £560

    Find Hotels, Flights & More       View Complete Schedule  

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th November, 2025

UKPL Coventry

Grosvenor Casino Coventry, Coventry Building Society Arena, Phoenix Way, Coventry, CV6 6GE

Main Event buy-in are £560

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