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Asian Poker Tour

The Asian Poker Tour (APT) was founded in 2008. Since its first tournament held in May of 2008 in Manila, Philippines, it has grown year on year to become one of the leading poker tours around the World.

The APT has staged more than 70 major events – and numerous smaller tournaments – mainly in the Asia-Pacific region. The tour has visited the Philippines, Macau, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Australia, London, New Caledonia and Cambodia.

To date, APT events combined have generated over $20 Million in prize money.

Upcoming Tour Stops

Friday 25th April - Sunday 4th May, 2025

APT Taipei

Asia Poker Arena, 10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 1, Jianguo N Rd, 80?b1

The APT Taipei 2025 festival schedule has a TWD 70 million (~USD 2.1 million) guaranteed Main Event.

APT kicked off our year with record-breaking numbers in Manila, running the tour’s largest and richest APT series ever to play out in the Philippines. The next stop, APT Taipei 2025—runs in partnership with Chinese Texas Hold’em Poker Club (CTP).

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Friday 30th May - Sunday 8th June, 2025

APT Manila

City of Dreams Manila, Diosdado Macapagal Blvd, Parañaque, Manila, Philippines

More details to follow!

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Friday 1st - Sunday 10th August, 2025

APT Incheon

Paradise Casino Incheon, Yeongjonghaeannam-ro 321beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, South Korea

Events will be announced soon. 

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Friday 26th September - Sunday 5th October, 2025

APT Jeju

Landing Casino, Shinhwa World, 304 38 Sinhwayeoksa-ro, South Korea

More details to follow!

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Friday 14th - Sunday 30th November, 2025

APT Championship

Asia Poker Arena, 10491, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Section 1, Jianguo N Rd, 80?b1

More details to follow!

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