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Saturday 18th January, 2025

Kings of Tallinn Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary This February

By Antonia Shepherd

The Kings of Tallinn, one of Europe's most exciting poker festivals, is set to mark its 10th anniversary with a spectacular event in February 2025. Hosted at the luxurious Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel and Olympic Park Casino, this milestone promises an unforgettable experience for poker enthusiasts from around the globe.

Event Highlights

This year’s festival runs from February 21 to March 2, featuring an impressive schedule with over 60 events tailored to players of all levels and promises to set a new standard for the poker calendar with its most ambitious programme to date. The festival’s centrepiece is the €1,100 Main Event, expected to draw a massive field, offering a guarantee of €1,000,000, the first ever in the event's history.

For those seeking variety, the festival includes a mix of formats:

  • High Rollers with buy-ins starting at €5,000
  • Deep Stack events for strategic gameplay
  • Popular formats such as Pot-Limit Omaha, Mystery Bounty, and Card Mix
  • Satellites for players to secure their seat at a fraction of the cost

Adding to the excitement is the much-anticipated return of the OlyBet Team Challenge, which promises to be a momentous occasion.

A Hub for Poker and Beyond

Tallinn, Estonia’s vibrant capital, offers more than just poker. Known for its charming medieval Old Town, exceptional cuisine, and lively nightlife, the city provides the perfect backdrop for a memorable poker festival.

Players can enjoy the exceptional facilities at the Hilton Tallinn Park, renowned for its luxurious accommodations and spa services. Meanwhile, the Olympic Park Casino provides a state-of-the-art gaming experience, ensuring comfort and professionalism throughout the event.

Travel and Accommodation

Players looking to simplify their travel arrangements can book through Main Event Travel, the Official Travel Partner for the Kings of Tallinn. Offering tailored packages that include flights, accommodation, and event entry, Main Event Travel ensures a seamless experience, allowing participants to focus on the game and festivities.

Join the Celebration

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a recreational player, the Kings of Tallinn 10-Year Poker Event is a can’t-miss festival. Come for the poker, stay for the celebration, and be part of history as the Kings of Tallinn celebrates a decade of thrilling poker action.

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