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at The Intercontinental Hotel, St. George's Bay St. Julian's, STJ 3310, Malta
Malta is quickly becominga hotspot for the best poker playersin the world, so it’s only right one of the biggest tours on the continent makes its return to this incredible island.
After nine years, theEuropean Poker Tour (EPT) Maltais finally back where it belongs – among the vibrant culture and historic backdrop that only this Mediterranean destination can provide. Of course, that means you can mark your calendar for thrilling on-the-felt action that’s littered with the great and the good of the world’s poker community. After all, Malta is a must-visit stop for everyone from professionals to newcomers.
But it also means you should gear up for activities beyond the table, fromthe notorious nightlife, the unique beaches and the UNESCO World Heritage sites. No two days and nights are the same in Malta. Plus, add in the luxurious venue and its state-of-the-art facilities and you’ve got a premier event on the calendar that poker enthusiasts won’t want to miss.
PokerStars Open
PokerStars Open Main Event: October 1-6
EPT Main Event: October 6-12
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