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THEN tours.logo
ELSE tour_stops.logo
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WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = ''
THEN tours.logo
ELSE tour_stops.logo
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FROM `banners`
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at Hilton Prague, Pobrežní 1, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
The charming European Poker Tour (EPT) Prague is back for another edition of brilliant action in Bohemia’s enchanting capital city.
Live EPT poker has been coming to the City of a Hundred Spires for almost two decades, and it’s not hard to see why when you land in this magical destination. It’s a winter wonderland that never fails to impress against the backdrop ofthe historic Gothic architecture, cobbled streets and vibrant arts scene. Don’t forget the local Czech cuisine, too.
The magic is in more than the surroundings of the Bohemian region, though. Prague has been well established on the poker map for years, making itthe favorite winter stop for the top playersfrom around the world. The prestige of EPT Prague attracts only the best and it shows on the tables because the action is always unmissable.
EPT Prague is calling – will you pick up?
PokerStars Open
PokerStars Open Main Event: December 3-8
EPT Main Event: December 8-14
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