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THEN tours.logo
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at Casino Torrequebrada, Av. del Sol, s/n, 29639 Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain
ThePokerStars Open Málagais truly an event for poker-lovers. It doesn’t even matter about your skill level – whether you’re an expert or a novice who wants to experience the action, we’ve got something for you. Get ready for a series of unforgettable tournaments against a stunning backdrop that will take your breath away.
Málaga plays a pivotal role in this stop in more ways than one. After all, it combines the sizzling action at the tables with red-hot, off-the-felt activities. So, prepare tounwind by the sea, indulge in the vibrant nightlife and enjoy the charm of this Mediterranean hotspotonce you’ve stopped playing.
Speaking of unwinding, there will be anexclusive Players’ Loungefor participants to get away from the hustle and bustle of the flying cards. But, if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening at the tables, this year’s event will feature a bigger playing room with even more tables than before. If it looks likePokerStars Open Málagahas everything you need, it’s because it probably has.
PokerStars Open Main Event: June 18-22 - €1,100 (€1,000,000 GTD)
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