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at Grand Casino de Namur, Avenue Baron de Moreau 1, 5000 Namur, Belgium
Therenowned PokerStars Open Namurreturns to the heart of Wallonia for the biggest poker festival in Belgium. Anyone who has ever experienced Namur will agree the region is one of the best places to host epic, on-the-felt action. After all, there’s more than poker to enjoy in this historical setting.
Explore the ancient citadel, enjoy aUNESCO World Heritage Siteor cruise along the river Meuse at the head of the stunning Ardennes. On the table, there arebig prize pools on offer once againand you can claim your share of them when you take your seat at the tables.
Head down to the left bank of the Meuse and experience everything theprestigious Circus Casino Resort Namurhas to offer. With a buy-in for most bankrolls, it’d be a shame to miss out.
PokerStars Open Main Event: Dates TBC - €1,100 (€1,000,000 GTD)
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