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Thursday 6th April, 2017

Mercier wins WPT SHRP High Roller; Sinishtaj wins Showdown

By Mad Harper

A lot of big money was being won at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino yesterday with Jason Mercier taking down the  WPT Seminole Hard Rock Poker $25k High Roller for $749,600 and Tony Sinishtaj winning the Showdown Championship for $661,283.

 We’re the tour’s Official Travel Partner so let us help you find great accommodation for the first stops of WPT Season XVI including WPT Amsterdam and WPT Beijing.

Mercier, who hails from Florida, beat Justin Bonomo heads-up to win the $25k High Roller for $749,600. The victory gave the EPT Sanremo champion his fifth biggest cash and brings his total live earnings to well over $18m. His profile includes five WSOP bracelets, a WPT Alpha8 title, an EPT title and EPT high roller title; he three $1m+ live cashes plus a further 28 six-figure scores.


The High Roller was considered the toughest event of the series, with 116 entries generating a $2.9m prize pool.



1st: Jason Mercier – $794,600
2nd: Justin Bonomo – $556,800
3rd: Loni Harwood – $348,000
4th: Anthony Spinella – $240,700
5th: Olivier Busquet – $153,700
6th: Sam Soverel – $113,100
7th: Bryn Kenney – $92,800
8th: Ari Engel – $78,300
9th: Jeff Gross – $75,400
10th: Jake Schindler – $72,500
11th: Richard Tuhrim – $69,600
12th: Jonathan Little – $66,700
13th: Robert Heidorn – $63,800
14th: Sean Winter – $60,900
15th: Erik Seidel – $58,000
16th: Grayson Ramage – $55,100



Some three hours earlier before Mercier’s victory, Tony Sinishtaj hadachieved a lifetime best cash when he won the Showdown Championship for $661,283. Sinishtaj, who hails from Flushing, New York, has now more than doubled his live tournament winnings and also won himself a seat in tomorrow’s WPT Tournament of Champions. He beat a tough final table which included Dan Colman and Rob Mizrachi for his biggest ever live cash. There were 1,207 entries overall creating a $3,862,400 prize pool.


There have been a total of 102 events on the Seminole schedule. The final of the WPT Seminole Hard Rock Finale is today and the second ever WPT Tournament of Champions starts April 7.

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