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Thursday 15th July, 2021

Farrell back to defend his title at Tallinn Summer Showdown

By Mad Harper

 Scottish poker pro Niall Farrel will be back in Tallinn next week to defend his title at the Tallinn Poker Festival Summer Showdown

The 34-year-old, Scotland’s #1 live tournament player with more than $6.2 million in winnings, won the Tallinn Poker Festival Summer Showdown Main Event last year for €32,125. It was his last poker title before the pandemic shut down most live poker operations.

Now poker is getting back to normal – and the folks in Tallinn are excited about hosting the fifth edition of the Tallinn Poker Festival Summer Showdown

The week-long festival runs July 19-26 and is being held at the Olympic Park Casino in Tallinn, Estonia’s stunning capital city of Estonia. The €1,000 + €100 buy-in Main Event kicks off next Thursday with the final taking place on Saturday, July 24. The Tournament Director is Teresa Nousiainen from Finland.

As well as the Main Event, other events on the packed schedule include a two-day €2k High Roller starting Saturday, July 24, a €60 Ladies Event and a wealth of other fun tourneys such as Progressive Knockouts, a special Olybet tournament and Short Deck Six-Max.

Cash games are always a lot of fun during the Tallinn Poker Festival – with up to ten tables up and running round the clock at the largest poker room in Estonia. Texas Hold’em, Omaha and several other formats will all be available, with blinds ranging from €2/2 up to €10/€20 and higher.

Farrell said: “I am indeed going, I loved Tallinn so much when I went for the first time last year that I just had to go back!” The 2020 tournament attracted 114 entries creating a total prize pool of €153,045. This year’s event promises to have a much bigger field and will be held in a COVID-responsible manner. Other Summer Showdown Main Event winners have included Mathias Siljander in 2019, Jargo Alaväli in 2018 and Jukka Koskela at the debut event in 2018.

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is not only one of the oldest capital cities in Northern Europe, but also one of the most beautiful. Located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, this stunning city boasts one of the best-conserved medieval Old Towns in Europe and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Home to a population of less than half a million people, Tallinn is full of visitors in the summer and famed for its vibrant nightlife – it’s often dubbed “the party capital of Northern Europe” and also has a vibrant arts scene.

MainEventTravel is looking after the travel needs for dozens of players at the Summer Showdown and can help you sort out  both your accommodation and flights. 


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