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Wednesday 25th October, 2017

What’s on in November!

By Mad Harper

What’s on in November!

Jazz up your November with a fun poker event!  It’s all sparkle, glitz and glamorous trips abroad next month with a raft of great poker events in the UK, Europe and worldwide. Highlights include GUKPT Blackpool, WPT Montreal, Cash Game Festival in gorgeous Tallinn and the Caribbean Poker Party in the Punta Cana (don’t miss our great room rates at the Melia!)



 GUKPT wraps up 2017 in Blackpool and London

After a very well-attended GUKPT Luton a few weeks ago, the GUKPT heads off to Blackpool next month for one of the most popular events of the year. For many GUKPT fans, GUKPT Blackpool is their favourite event– it’s party time in a party resort!


GUKPT Blackpool runs November 5-12 so bag your accommodation early – lots of the best hotels are filling up fast. Next month is also the GUKPT Grand Final which is taking place November 19-26 at the Poker Room above the Grosvenor Victoria Casino in London’s Edgware Road.


MEGASTACK heads to Birmingham & Ireland

PokerStars’ popular new grassroots MEGASTACK tour is hosting two events next month with Birmingham MEGASTACK running November 2-5 and Connacht MEGASTACK from November 24 – 26.  We have a ton of hotels in Birmingham including the Hilton, Ibis and Novotel.


All PokerStars MEGASTACK events take place over the weekend, cost £170 to enter, take place over three starting flights, have one re-entry per day, and a 50,000 starting stack. Poker fans and media outlets have been full of praise for the MEGASTACK formula which provides recreational players a chance to experience the excitement of a well-organised live poker event without breaking the bank.




Master Classics of Poker Amsterdam starts November 12

The Master Classics of Poker kicks off in Amsterdam next month with a two-week festival running November 12-26. The popular event takes place at Holland Casino with a €4,300 Main Event starting November 17, plus a bunch of side events.



Cash Game Festival Tallinn

Cash Game Festival Tallinn is holding its last event of the year next month with a five-day event in stunning Tallinn, the beautiful capital of Estonia. The event runs November 15-19 at Olympic Park Casinoo. We’re Cash Game Festival’s Official Travel Partner so let us find you a great hotel in this beautiful city.  We have rooms at the amazing Swissotel as well as other hotels near Olympic Park Casino.


Players will be able to enjoy any games they can think of, 24/7, and the festival features live online broadcasts from the TV tables at Olympic Park Casino. To add to the fun, the festival will be spiced up with fine dining, fierce partying and several other activities that introduce local sights and culture. Tallinn is a fantastic city to visit with beautiful Medieval architecture in the Old Town and tons of cheap bars, restaurants and club.


WPTDeestacks Brussels

In November, WPTDeepstacks heads back to Grand Casino Brussels VIAGE in the heart of the European capital. The WPTDeepStacks Brussels festival runs November 9-12 and features a €1,200 Main Event. The world class amenities and professional staff at Grand Casino Brussels Viage are one of the many reasons why Brussels has become one of the premier destinations for European poker players. WPTDeepStacks Brussels festival is gives you the perfect excuse to visit this historical city that is bursting at the seams with vibrant culture.


Battle of Malta

One of Europe’s most successful and popular poker events kicks off on November 2 with the pokerlistings.com 2017 Battle of Malta. Now in its seventh edition, this year will feature a record-setting number of tournaments, parties and activities and total prize pool guarantees of €650,000.


Unibet Deepstack Open La Grand Motte

After the huge success of the first edition in 2015, USDO La Grande Motte is back next month with a four-day event running November 2-5 in this modern French resort close to Montpellier.


WSOP International Circuit heads back to Paris
The World Series of Poker Circuit Events will be back in Paris from November 17-24 at beautiful Clichy Montmartre. The WSOP Circuit Clichy Montmartre festival will comprise nearly 40 events including a €1,500 Main Event and €2,500 High Roller. There’s also a Ladies tournament, Senior event, PLO and 6max. MainEventTravel has a wealth of hotel options in beautiful Montmartre close to the WSOPC venue.


PokerStars Festival Hamburg

Germany's first PokerStars Festival runs November 17-26 in the historic city of Hamburg. There is a €500,000 guarantee for the Main Event which has a €1,100 buy-in and three start flights plus an additional re-entry flight. Hamburg is a buzzing city with a thriving cultural scene - a truly great poker destination. The Festival features 14 events overall and is taking place at Casino Schenefeld.



Super Stack Spain has two great events planned before the end of the year including SuperStack San Roque from November 16 to 19. As always, events kick off with a Day 1a on Thursday at 8pm, and Day 1b the same time again on Friday. If you’re short on time, don't forget you can fly in on Saturday for Day 1C which starts at 8pm local time. Following the fantastic Super Stack structure, players get a 30,000 stack for the €170 buy-in event with 30 minute blind levels.


All Super Stack destinations are easy and cheap to get to. There are numerous return flights from the UK to Spanish resorts enabling Super Stack players the chance to compete in great locations at an affordable cost. MainEventTravel is Super Stack’s Official Travel partner and can arrange fantastic hotel deals for all the events.





Caribbean Poker Party

The eagerly-awaited Caribbean Poker Party Main Event in November comes with a total guaranteed prize pool of $10,000,000. The event, which runs from November 18-25 in gorgeous Playa Bavaro in Punta Cana, features an action-packed festival line up with all kinds of buy-in levels including a $5 million guarantee Main Event.


 MainEventTravel has secured great rates at the main Melia Resort. Our rooms are in the same complex as the Caribbean Poker Party tournament venue so very conveniently located.


WPT Montreal

Fancy a trip to Quebec? WPT Montreal kicks off next month for the Playground Poker Club Autumn Classic. There’s a 17-event schedule running October 29 to November 16 with a $2 million guarantee on the $3,850 Main Event. The Playground Poker Club is located less than twenty minutes south of downtown Montreal within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake. Main Event Travel is the event’s official travel partner.


WPT Uruguay

The World Poker Tour’s historic first trip to Uruguay features a televised WPTDeepStacks Main Event from November 1-5. The WPT Uruguay Main Event comes with a buy-in of $1,500 and two start flights. The event, which takes place in the gorgeous Uruguay resort of Punta del Este, will be filmed for broadcast as part of the Season XVI WPT television schedule.


WPT India
This Autumn sees another first for the WPT with WPT India taking place November 7-13 in fabulous Goa.  The event is taking place aboard the Deltin Royale Casino, India's largest and most luxurious offshore casino and the only one with a dedicated poker room. The casino also has an exclusive whiskey lounge, with a magnificent selection of single malts and hand-rolled cigars!

The three-day $1,000 Main Event runs November 10-13 and will be the final qualifying event of 2017 for the brand new WPT India Player of the Year award. There are two start flights with the final taking place on November 13. As well as the Main Event, the schedule includes the INR20,000 Kickoff tournament on November 7, a INR30,000 Superstack tourney, the INR100,000 High Roller on November 9, and a INR20,000 PLO tournament.



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