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Luxon Pay IPT 5% Travel Credit T&Cs

Luxon Pay Irish Poker Tour Portugal Adventure 5% Travel Credit Terms and Conditions

Promotion is valid on pre-paid flight and accommodation purchases only made online at MainEventTravel.com. Pay Hotel, Buy-ins, and Gift Vouchers are excluded.

Promotion is only valid on purchases made using Luxon Pay at checkout. 

Credit will not be applied to any portion of purchase made with credit or debit card, or money on account.

  • Example: Customer using £300 money on account and £700 via Luxon Pay at checkout on £1000 purchase will receive travel credit in the amount of £35 (£700 x 5%)

A travel credit of 5% will be applied to your account based on the purchase total of any flights or pay now accommodation made before 0:00 UTC (12pm midnight) 23rd May 2024 for travel to Portugal in June 2024.

5% travel credit will be applied to your account on completion of travel booked during the promotional period outlined above.

Travel credit will be added to customer’s MainEventTravel.com account for online bookings within 3-5 days of completion of travel made during promotional period outlined above.

  • Example: Customer books 5 nights at Aqualuz Troia Mar by Editory for the IPT Portugal Adventure from 19th – 24th June 2024 for €1500 using Luxon Pay at checkout. Customer is eligible for €75 future travel credit. Travel credit is added to customer’s account within 3-5 days from 24th June 2024, trip completion date.

The 5% travel credit applies to all bookings meeting the above criteria 

Travel credit is transferable by means of request in writing.

Travel credit has no cash value. 

Travel credit has no expiration date.

Gift Vouchers and Buy-ins are excluded from the promotion

Luxon Pay can be used at checkout for any Pay Now (Pre-paid) Hotels, Flights and Packages available on MainEventTravel.com

Your search results are valid for . More Info
Travel search results are valid for a period of 20 minutes. If you do not book by this time, items in your cart may change in price or become unavailable.