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SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '11'

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0.0061 SECONDS:
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0.0566 SECONDS:
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0.0056 SECONDS:
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0.0054 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '1709' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0053 SECONDS:
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0.0052 SECONDS:
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0.0567 SECONDS:
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0.0055 SECONDS:
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0.0081 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '48' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blogs` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `tour_stop_id` = 1912

King of Tallinn 2023 2023 Kings Of Tallinn €555 Championship (English) Live Reporting - Day 2

Current Level 31 Current Day 2
Blinds 75,000/150,000 Ante 150000
Entries 559 Remaining 1
Prize Pool (EUR) €262,730 First Prize (EUR) €55,500
1 New Update - Click to refresh
Live Updates - Day 1A
10:46 (UTC+2)
Day 1A of King of Tallinn 2023 Ended
Level: 0     Blinds: 0/0     Ante: 0
End-of-Day 1a Chip Counts Posted Sunday 26th February, 2023 at 10:44(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Day 1a of the Kings of Tallinn €555 Championship attracted a banner field of 107 entries to already bring the prize pool up to €50,290.

A total of 44 players bagged chips after 10 levels of play with Juri Vassin (211,500) and Gediminas Dirmantas (209,000) both parlaying their 30,000 opening stack into more than 200,000 in chips. Here is a look at all of the Day 1a survivors.

Player Chips Big Blinds
Juri Vassin 211,500 106
Gediminas Dirmantas 209,000 105
Juris Hlibovs 185,500 93
Mart Rinken 183,500 92
Benjamin Gros 130,500 65
Luca Sebastiani 123,500 62
Sergei Guljajev 111,000 56
Vasilij Barna 105,000 53
Peep Kivistik 105,000 53
Vadim Guk 103,000 52
Marko Vest 98,000 49
Maksim Petrov 97,000 49
Andrei Melnikov 93,000 47
Kalle Aberg 90,000 45
Erki Leedmaa 82,000 41
Ronald Randma 80,000 40
Josep Pastor De Ramon 72,000 36
Pavels Spirins 71,500 36
Julien Fuchs 70,500 35
Lukas Soucek 64,500 32
Mario Munoz Martin 63,500 32
Arturs Baskinovs 57,000 29
Helina Tamm 55,000 28
Alger Pissarev 54,500 27
Theophile Tristan George 53,000 27
Yanis Mehdi Sahli 51,500 26
Julius Seskevicius 51,500 26
Artjom Kovalevski 50,000 25
Mark Metsla 47,500 24
Hanno Kerem 44,000 22
Joel Lindpere 43,700 22
Raiko Laane 43,000 22
Aleksi Naski 39,500 20
Joonas Kulli 34,500 17
Richard Bauer 33,500 17
Rimvydas Svedas 30,500 15
Osku Karttunen 27,500 14
Jari Porkka 27,500 14
Romain Gravisse 24,500 12
Kalle Parkkinen 21,500 11
Igor Pihela Jr. 21,500 11
Jaakko Tirkkonen 18,500 9
Andres Aro 17,500 9
Marek Liiva 13,500 7
Welcome to the Kings of Tallinn! Posted Saturday 25th February, 2023 at 14:19(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

The Kings of Tallinn has once again made its triumphant return to Olympic Park Casino and the adjoining Hilton Tallinn Park for 53 numbered events from Feb. 24 to March 5.

For the first time ever, Main Event Travel is on the floor to provide full coverage of not only the €500,000 guaranteed Kings of Tallinn €1,100 Main Event but also the Kings of Tallinn €555 Championship, where our coverage will begin. Rest assured there will be familiar faces reporting with both Jason Glatzer (in English) and Juhani Tyriseva (in Finnish) will be bringing the action to your doorstep.

Coverage Begins Sunday With the €555 Championship

The Kings of Tallinn live-reporting coverage will kick off on Sunday, Feb. 26 with the second of four opening flights of the Kings of Tallinn €555 Championship. Players will start off with a massive 300 big blind stack with 30,000 in chips with blinds increasing slowly every 40 minutes throughout the event with tomorrow's Day 1d providing the only exception with 25-minute blind levels.

Players can not only re-enter throughout each of the opening flights but can also do so until late registration closes after the conclusion of the first blind level on Tuesday's Day 2. Players will continue to battle out on Tuesday until a winner is crowned.

Last year, the title in this event unexpectedly headed to the Land Down Under with Australia Rasmus Sepping (pictured below) coming out on top of a field of 278 entries to win the €27,140 top prize. This year is bound to be even bigger based on early attendance in some of the other side events and the many players piling into Tallinn as the hours pass by.

Stay tuned to our coverage starting on Sunday, Feb. 26 at 12 p.m. as we bring you the highlights of the Kings of Tallinn!

13:56 (UTC+2)
Day 1A of King of Tallinn 2023 Started
Level:      Blinds: 0/0     Ante: 0

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