0.0004 SECONDS:
SHOW TABLES FROM `maineven_met-base`

0.0100 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `page_views` WHERE `date` = '2024-12-27' AND `url` = 'https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2023_olybet_showdown_vilnius_acebreaker_main_event/1A/updates' ORDER BY `views` DESC

0.0010 SECONDS:
INSERT INTO `page_views` (`url`, `views`, `date`) VALUES ('https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2023_olybet_showdown_vilnius_acebreaker_main_event/1A/updates', 1, '2024-12-27')

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `settings`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `white_label_version_id` = 0

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT `tours`.* FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `venue` = '0' AND `festival` = '0' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0018 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `festival` = '1' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `id`, `name`, `url` FROM `destinations` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `display_order`

0.0005 SECONDS:
SELECT `pages`.*, `parents`.`url_name` as `parent_url_name` FROM `pages` LEFT JOIN `pages` as `parents` ON `parents`.`id` = `pages`.`parent_page_id` WHERE `pages`.`active` = '1'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'page'

0.0049 SECONDS:
SELECT `venues`.*, (select COUNT(*) from tour_stops where tour_stops.venue_id=venues.id AND tour_stops.end_date > curdate() AND tour_stops.active = 1) tour_stop_count FROM `venues` WHERE `display_in_navigation` = '1' LIMIT 30

0.0007 SECONDS:
SELECT tour_stop_blogs.*, tours.page_background as page_background, tours.page_header as page_header, currencies.name as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol, currencies.ISO_4217_code as currency_code, tour_stops.logo as tour_stop_logo, tour_stops.name as tour_stop_name, tour_stop_blog_days.name as current_day_name, tours.id as tour_id, CASE WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = '' THEN tours.logo ELSE tour_stops.logo END AS logo, tours.name as tour_name, tours.logo as tour_logo, venues.name as venue_name, venues.location as venue_location, venues.map_latitude as venue_latitude, venues.map_longitude as venue_longitude, venues.image as venue_image FROM `tour_stop_blogs` LEFT JOIN `currencies` ON `currencies`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`currency_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stops` ON `tour_stops`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`tour_stop_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_days` ON `tour_stop_blog_days`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`current_day_id` LEFT JOIN `tours` ON `tours`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`tour_id` LEFT JOIN `venues` ON `venues`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`venue_id` WHERE `friendly_url` = '2023_olybet_showdown_vilnius_acebreaker_main_event'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '74'

0.0331 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0096 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' AND `published` = 1

0.0383 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0074 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '200' AND `published` = 1

0.0305 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0079 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '201' AND `published` = 1

0.0408 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '202' AND `published` = 1

0.0392 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0104 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '203' AND `published` = 1

0.0006 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '74' AND `name` = '1A'

0.0112 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0092 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`published` = 1 AND `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0079 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8518' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0083 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8517' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0107 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8516' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0079 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8515' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0082 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8514' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0082 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8513' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0082 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8512' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0083 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8510' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0089 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8509' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0072 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8508' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0075 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8507' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8506' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0096 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8505' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0105 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8504' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0099 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8503' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0093 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8502' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0075 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8501' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0075 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8500' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0099 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8499' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0082 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8498' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0076 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8497' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0075 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8496' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0080 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8495' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0100 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8494' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0084 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8493' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0081 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8492' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0081 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8491' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0104 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8490' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0090 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8489' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0129 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8488' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0077 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8487' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0093 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8486' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0083 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8485' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0098 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8484' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0085 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8483' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0082 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8482' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0126 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8481' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0103 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8480' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0096 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8479' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0150 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8478' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0140 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8477' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0112 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8476' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0092 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8475' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0184 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8474' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0343 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8473' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0131 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8472' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0140 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8471' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0154 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8470' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0148 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8469' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0120 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8468' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0140 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8467' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0112 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8466' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0090 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8465' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0095 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8464' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0116 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8463' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0101 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0130 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0143 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8518' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0142 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8517' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0140 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8516' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0144 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8515' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0144 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8514' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0145 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8513' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0094 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8512' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0125 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8511' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0136 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8510' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0133 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8509' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0123 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8508' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0106 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8507' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0090 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8506' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0092 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8505' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0087 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8504' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0106 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8503' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0091 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8502' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0138 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8501' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0113 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8500' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0115 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8499' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0077 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8498' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0111 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8497' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0093 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8496' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0214 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8495' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0141 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8494' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0114 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8493' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0123 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8492' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0125 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8491' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0128 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8490' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0125 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8489' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0124 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8488' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0125 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8487' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0095 SECONDS:
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0.0103 SECONDS:
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0.0098 SECONDS:
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0.0108 SECONDS:
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0.0101 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8482' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0114 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8481' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8480' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0092 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8479' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0072 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8478' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0071 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8477' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8476' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8475' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0074 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8474' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0072 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8473' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0078 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8472' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0072 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8471' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0079 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8470' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0079 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8469' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8468' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8467' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8466' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8465' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8464' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '8463' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '199' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '200' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '201' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '202' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0078 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '203' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0005 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blogs` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `tour_stop_id` = 2388

OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker Event #11: €555 Main Event Live Reporting - Day 3
OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker - Live Reporting Event #11: €555 Main Event Event #20: €1,100 High Roller

Current Level 28 Current Day 3
Blinds 40,000/80,000 Ante 80000
Entries 371 Remaining 1
Prize Pool (EUR) €178,080 First Prize (EUR) €34,805
1 New Update - Click to refresh
Live Updates - Day 1A
01:48 (UTC+2)
Day 1A of OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker Ended
Level: 12     Blinds: 1,000/2,000     Ante: 2,000
End-of-Day 1a Chip Counts Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 01:29(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Day 1a witnessed 164 entries getting into the mix with 50 players surviving after 12 blind levels of 40 minutes each. Tomorrow will feature the final two opening flights in Day 1b and Day 1c. Players can re-enter not only throughout both of those opening flights but we will see more players coming in early on Day 2 with late registration still open during Level 13.

By the end of the day, many of the big stacks were randomly on Table 2. Ant Gokcek had the lead at that table but lost a big hand to Paulius Zilinskas (pictured below) near the end of the night to finish still in the top third with 127,500. Paulius Zilinskas managed to finish in the top five players of the day with 228,000 but two players at the same table still performed better in Day 1a chip leader Aurimas Stanevicius (270,500) and Lithuanian poker crusher Paulius Vaitekunas (245,500).

Meanwhile, Marek Zigel (251,000) and Edgaras Truskauskas (238,000) also advanced with more than 200,000 in chips. Below is a look at all of the Day 1a survivors and we will be back on the floor when cards are in the air for Day 1b at 12 p.m.

Place Player  Chips  Big Blinds
1 Aurimas Stanevicius        270,500 108
2 Marek Zigel        251,000 100
3 Paulius Vaitiekunas        245,500 98
4 Edgaras Truskauskas        238,000 95
5 Paulius Zilinskas        228,000 91
6 Irmantas Kaulakis        187,000 75
7 Arnas Bazys        183,000 73
8 Adomas Juozapavicius        168,500 67
9 Arminas Skardzius        147,500 59
10 Patrikas Aglinskas        139,500 56
11 Andrius Bielskis        139,000 56
12 Arunas Jocius        131,000 52
13 Ant Gokcek        127,500 51
14 Arnoldas Eiza        123,000 49
15 Eimantas Adomavicius        110,500 44
16 Jokubas Jancevicius        109,000 44
17 Gerardas Luksenas          99,500 40
18 Marius Maciukas          98,000 39
19 Rimantas Ignatavicius          95,000 38
20 Mindaugas Kriauciunas          92,000 37
21 Ignas Vaitulionis          92,000 37
22 Rytis Kriunas          91,500 37
23 Andrius Mazeika          88,000 35
24 Karolis Urbonavicius          85,000 34
25 Dominykas Chrypa          83,500 33
26 Andrius Mazurkevicius          82,500 33
27 Paulius Paklonskas          80,000 32
28 Robertas Sakinis          78,000 31
29 Mantas Ramanauskas          73,500 29
30 Ausra Razmaite          73,000 29
31 Rolandas Aglinskas          70,000 28
32 Erikas Gordejevas          66,000 26
33 Vytautas Laurusevicius          66,000 26
34 Sigitas Raila          65,500 26
35 Paulius Kisielius          65,000 26
36 Vladas Tamasauskas          56,500 23
37 Mindaugas Jonaitis          55,500 22
38 Aleksandras Abramovas          45,500 18
39 Mantas Raminas          45,500 18
40 Jonas Lapinskas          45,000 18
41 Mantas Liachauskas          42,000 17
42 Rokas Barzdzius          40,500 16
43 Ignas Navickas          39,500 16
44 Ridas Bitauskas          38,500 15
45 Edgaras Kausinis          34,500 14
46 Dominykas  Jezerys          29,500 12
47 Bernardas Mazeika          28,500 11
48 Rokas Asipauskas          27,500 11
49 Deividas Daubaris          21,500 9
50 Aurimas Baltutis          21,000 8

Final Countdown of Day 1a Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 00:54(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 12: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)
Entries: 53/164

The tournament staff stopped the clock with 9:26 left in Level 12 and announced that each table should finish the hand they are on and then play three more hands.

Surviving players will then bag their chips. We should have the final Day 1a chip counts posted in about 30 minutes. Stay tuned to see who advanced to Thursday's Day 2.

We will be back on the floor on Wednesday at 12 p.m. to cover from start to finish Day 1b. The turbo Day 1c taking place tomorrow evening won't be heavily covered but we will post vital stats along with the final chip counts of this flight as well before sharing the Day 2 seat draw on Wednesday evening as soon as it is available.

Late Short Stack Double for Lapinskas Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 00:33(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 12: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)
Entries: 60/163

Jonas Lapinskas got his 13,000 in the middle with about the same in the pot with the already on the flop against Rolandas Aglinskas.

Jonas Lapinskas:
Rolandas Aglinskas:

Lapinskas's top pair held after the turn and river completed the board to double his short stack near the end of Day 1a.

Player Chips Progress
Rolandas Aglinskas 75,000 49,000
Jonas Lapinskas 45,000 10,000
Final Blind Level of Day 1a Begins Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 00:24(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 12: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)
Entries: 63/163

The final 40-minute blind level of Day 1a just kicked off with blinds at 1,000/2,000 along with a big blind ante of 2,000.

The clock will stop with a few minutes left on the clock at which point the tournament staff will select a random amount of hands to end the evening with. Players surviving those final few hands will then be instructed to bag and tag their chips in preparation for Thursday's Day 2.

00:21 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 12
Blinds: 1,000/2,000     Ante: 2,000
Zilinskas Breathes Sigh of Relief After Catching Gokcek's Bluff Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 00:21(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 11: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)
Entries: 68/162

Ant Gokcek checked from the small blind on the flop before Paulius Zilinskas (pictured below) bet 10,500 into a pot of a bit more. Gokcek raised to 23,000 and Zilinskas paused for a short while before he called.

Gokcek fired out for 25,500 on the turn and Zilinskas quickly called. The river put four hearts on the board. Gokcek paused before he checked. Zilinskas quickly checked his cards before he checked behind.

Gokcek tabled the and was outmatched by the by Zilnskas, who breathed a huge sigh of relief that his read was correct.

"Nice call," Gokcek said while tapping the table before counting out his remaining stack. Although Gokcek is no longer the chip leader, he is still among the bigger stacks around the room with Level 11 winding down.

Player Chips Progress
Paulius Zilinskas 210,000 96,100
Ant Gokcek 125,000 80,500
No Ace Break Drink for Kausinas as Maciukas's Rockets Hold Posted Wednesday 31st January, 2024 at 00:04(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 11: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)
Entries: 68/162

Marius Maciukas opened from middle position, Edgaras Kausinis three-bet from one seat over before Maciukas four-bet jammed for 31,000. Kausinis found a quick call and had an outside chance at earning the coveted Ace Breaker cocktail after Maciukas turned over pocket rockets.

Marius Maciukas:
Edgaras Kausinis:

The flop was safe for Maciukas and Kausinis began counting out his chips after he was drawing dead on the turn. The case river improved Kausinis to two pair but this also improved Maciukas to aces-full to double his stack with less than an hour left on Day 1a.

Player Chips Progress
Edgaras Kausinis 90,000 33,500
Marius Maciukas 70,000 40,000
Vaitkevicius Loses Short Stack to Chrypa Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 23:52(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 11: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)
Entries: 72/162

Laurynas Vaitkevicius three-bet jammed his short stack from the small blind and was looked up by Dominykas Chrypa (pictured below) from the hijack.

Laurynas Vaitkevicius:
Dominykas Chrypa:

Chrypa's big slick was good on the board to grow his stack to six-figures while sending Vaitkevicius to the rail on the penultimate blind level of Day 1a.

Player Chips Progress
Dominikas Chrypa 100,000 46,000
Laurynas Vaitkevicius 0 0
Big Stacks at Break Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 23:43(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Here is a look at some of the biggest stacks at the final break of Day 1a of the OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker at Olympic Casino Lietuva.

Ant Gokcek lost some chips after the last break but got them back and then some to hold the lead with just two blind levels remaining on the day.

Player Chips Progress
Ant Gokcek 205,500 47,500
Irmantas Kaulakis 182,500 57,500
Eimantas Adomavicius 151,500 26,500
Jokubas Jancevicius 149,500 119,500
Paulius Vaitiekunas 145,000 0
Rolandas Aglinskas 124,000 6,000
Edgaras Kausinis 123,500 13,100
Arnoldas Eiza 122,500 7,100
23:38 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 11
Blinds: 1,000/1,500     Ante: 1,500
Final Break of Day 1a Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 23:29(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Players are on their final break of Day 1a. Blinds will increase to 1,000/1,500 (1,500) before moving onto 1,000/2,000 (2,000).

Those surviving these two blind levels will bag their stacks into Thursday's Day 2. 

Aglinskas Awarded an Ace Breaker Cocktail Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 23:27(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 71/158

Dangiris Kuzulis earlier doubled up Rolandas Aglinskas. Shortly after, he was awarded an Ace Breaker cocktail after his big slick got there for a flush against the aces held by Vytautas Laurusevicius.

Kuzulis got to experience both the highs and lows of the Ace Breaker as he recently hit the rail after his aces were unable to hold against the kings held by Aglinskas.

While Kuzulis's day appears to be done today, he will have two more chances to build a stack tomorrow for the final two opening days in Day 1b and Day 1c. If that doesn't work out, there is still a last chance saloon with late registration remaining open during the first blind level of Thursday's Day 2.

Player Chips Progress
Rolandas Aglinskas 130,000 60,000
Dangiras Kuzulis 0 0
Adomavicius Wins True Coin Flip Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 23:16(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 76/158

Eimantas Adomavicius just won a true coin flip. By this, we mean an actual coin was flipped to determine his move.

Adomavicius bet 12,000 into a pot of around 20,000 with the Vilius Zabarauskas raised to 50,000. Adomavicius went into the tank before he asked for a coin at the table so he can flip it. A player obliged, Adomavicius flipped the coin, and quickly called afterward.

Zabarauskas turned over the and was good until the river. Adomavicius flipped well in real life away from the table when it counted as he doubled his stack after he tabled the .

Meanwhile, Arturas Dauksevic hit the rail recently at another table. He shared that he tried to power through with cowboys with an ace, two fives, and two other low cards on the board and was hero-called all the way by a player with ace-six.

Player Chips Progress
Eimantas Adomavicius 125,000 95,000
Vilius Zabarauskas 10,000 20,000
Arturas Dauksevic 0 0
Stikelis Awarded a Ace Breaker Cocktail After Cracking Jancauskas's Aces Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 22:55(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 80/157

Patrikas Aglinskas opened for 2,500 from middle position and was called by Sergej Babincev from the cutoff. Mantas Stikelis (pictured below) three-bet shoved for about 20,000 from the button before Karolis Jancauskas four-bet shoved for about 40,000. Aglinskas and Babincev both folded and it appeared likely that Stikelis would wind up on the rail after the cards were turned over.

Mantas Stikelis:
Karolis Jancauskas:

Despite improving to top set on the flop, this wasn't a flop that could have made Jancauskas comfortable as Stikelis had the nut flush draw along with a back door straight draw. The turn was a brick, however, it did add a Broadway draw for Stikelis. 

Stikelis improved to a flush to win the hand after the river completed the board. Instead of hitting the rail, he was awarded a special Ace Breaker cocktail for cracking Jancauskas's pocket rockets.

Player Chips Progress
Mantas Stikelis 50,000 15,000
Karolis Jancauskas 20,000 10,000
22:49 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 10
Blinds: 600/1,200     Ante: 1,200
Another Ace Breaker Drink Awarded Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 22:33(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

We noticed Dangaris Kuzulis with the second Ace Breaker cocktail in front of him and we learned after the fact that he earned this by doubling through Vytautas Laurusevicius when his queens got there against aces.

Laurusevicius was low on chips after the hand and dusted off his stack shortly after, while Kuzulis was able to relax and enjoy his cocktail instead of being on the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Dangiras Kuzulis 60,000 0
Vytautas Laurusevicius 0 0
Three-Outer Saves Sakinis To Oust Cost and Double Through Ramaska Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 22:30(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 9: 500/1,000 (1,000)
Entries: 88/154

Two players checked before Robertas Sakinis bet 5,000 into a pot of a bit more on the flop. Kazimieras Ramaska (pictured below) raised to 12,000.  Jose Costa called off his short stack of 6,500 before Sakinas three-bet jammed for 30,100. Ramaska asked for a count before he eventually called.

Jose Costa:
Kazimieras Ramaska:
Robertas Sakinis:

Sakinis was ahead but had to fade some outs for a flush on the main pot and a king on the main and side pots. The turn was safe for Sakinis but Ramaska hit his three-out after the river completed the board to eliminate Costa and double through Ramaska

Player Chips Progress
Kazimieras Ramaska 80,000 50,000
Robertas Sakinis 16,000 14,000
Jose Costa 0 0
Oganisian Wins a Flip Against Chip Leader Gokcek Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 22:15(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 9: 500/1,000 (1,000)
Entries: 91/154

Sirak Oganisian was down to half a starting stack after losing a hand against Ant Gokcek just before the break.

Ogansian got many of those chips back straight after the action resumed. He got his half a starting stack in the middle with and was flipping against Ant Gokcek who turned over the .

Gokcek bricked the board and Ogansian doubled his stack after winning the flip.

Player Chips Progress
Ant Gokcek 158,000 15,800
Sirak Oganisian 35,000 5,000
Big Stacks at Break Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 22:12(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Vilnius resident from Turkey Ant Gokcek (pictured below) had the lead at the break.

"I plan to get to 200,000, and then take it easy," Gokcek shared with us at the first break.

Check out some of the biggest stacks at the break and best of luck to Gokcek and the rest of the Main Event field.

Player Chips Progress
Ant Gokcek 173,800 63,300
Paulius Vaitiekunas 145,000 115,000
Irmantas Kaulakis 125,000 20,000
Patrikas Aglinskas 120,800 20,800
Arnoldas Eiza 115,400 12,600
22:10 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 9
Blinds: 500/1,000     Ante: 1,000
150 Entries (and Counting) Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 21:50(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Day 1a has blossomed to 150 entries with 90 players remaining in their seats. This guarantees it to be at least the second-biggest Day 1a witnessed during an official international event in Lithuania, only behind the 198 entries attracted during Day 1a of the inaugural Vilnius Ace Breaker Main Event in January 2023.

Meanwhile, players went on their third break. Blinds will increase to 500/1,000 with a 1,000 big blind ante when the action resumes.

Sipavicius Perhaps Lucky To Brick Flush Draw Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 21:35(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 8: 400/800 (800)
Entries: 95/149

There wasn't much in the pot when Edvinas Grimalis checked the flop. Titas Gancierius bet 1,100. Aurelius Sipavicius raised to 3,800. Grimalis folded while Grancierius called to see the turn.

Gancierius check-called a bet of 6,000 before both players opted to quickly check the river. Gancieras turned over the for a pair of fives after bricking his flush draw. It would have been big trouble if another spade hit for Sipavicius as he also had two spade with . Instead, Sipavicius won the pot with the better pair.

Player Chips Progress
Aurelius Sipavicius 60,000 15,000
Edvinas Grimalis 50,000 15,000
Titas Gancierius 40,000 2,000
21:31 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 8
Blinds: 400/800     Ante: 800
Tamasauskas First To Earn Ace Breaker Cocktail Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 21:07(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 7: 300/600 (600)
Entries: 98/144

Vladas Tamasauskas (pictured below) has earned the praise of many over the years for being one of Lithuania's strongest players. He now has praise for a different reason as he was the first player to crack another players rockets to double his stack and earn himself a tasty Ace Breaker cocktail that is only available during the Vilnius Ace Breaker.

We asked for details and we at least learned one thing.

"I earned this drink after cracking my friend's aces," Tamasauskas shared as he pointed on over to Paulius Kostickis.

Congrats to Tamasauskas and best of luck to all players in earning a free drink of their own.

Player Chips Progress
Vladas Tamasauskas 50,000 10,000
Paulius Kostickis 40,000 25,000
Sipavicius Doubles With Suited Connectors Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 21:01(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 7: 300/600 (600)
Entries: 100/144

Aurelius Sipavicius opened the button for 1,200. Paulius Zakas three-bet to 4,200 from the small blind and Sipavicius called. 

Zakas continued for 6,000 on the flop. Sipavicius tanked for about 45 seconds before he jammed for 17,000. Zakas quickly called and the players turned over their cards.

Aurelius Sipavicius:
Paulius Zakas:

Sipavicius's flopped two pair held after the turn and river completed the board to double through Zakas.

Player Chips Progress
Aurelius Sipavicius 45,000 15,000
Paulius Zakas 10,000 20,000
Iermolcheva Delivers Aglinskas a Cooler Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 20:43(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 7: 300/600 (600)
Entries: 99/138

Patrikas Aglinskas was just left shaking his head after a cooler he just suffered by Game of Gold's Olga Iermolcheva (pictured below).

Iermolcheva jammed for 19,200 into a pot of slightly more with the on the board the big-stacked Aglinskas snap-called.

Iermolcheva immediately tabled the for the nuts with a straight. Despite not losing much of his stack Aglinskas appeared in disbelief by the cooler as he had a very strong hand with top set after tabling .

Player Chips Progress
Patrikas Aglinskas 100,000 8,000
Olga Iermolcheva 60,000 30,000
Various Big Stacks at Break Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 20:30(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer
Player Chips Progress
Paulius Zilinskas 113,900 83,900
Ant Gokcek 110,500 65,500
Irmantas Kaulakis 105,000 40,000
Arnoldas Eiza 102,800 67,800
Patrikas Aglinskas 92,000 62,000
Aurimas Stanevicius 87,800 57,800
Mantas Raminas 86,000 56,000
Sigitas Raila 83,000 53,000
Edgaras Kausinis 70,200 40,200
Edgaras Kausinis 70,200 40,200
Aleksandras Abramovas 70,000 40,000
Marek Zigel 63,000 33,000
Dominikas Chrypa 54,000 24,000
20:24 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 7
Blinds: 300/600     Ante: 600
Second Break Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 20:15(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Day 1a is on its second 15-minute break. We will update some of the biggest stacks from around the room shortly after the break.

Player Chips Progress
Linas Petruskevicius 0 0
Aglinskas Doubles Through Kuzulis With a Wheel Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 20:12(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 6: 200/500 (500)
Entries: 101/135

Rolandas Aglinskas is off to a hot start on his second bullet. There was more than 25,000 in the pot with the on the board after the turn when his stack of 23,200 went into the pot against Dangiras Kuzulis.

Rolandas Aglinskas:
Dangiras Kuzulis:

Alginskas needed to fade a four-outer on the river to not meet the same fate he met not too long ago. A blank river wasn't one of those outs and Aglinskas doubled up early into his second bullet.

Player Chips Progress
Rolandas Alginskas 70,000 40,000
Dangiras Kuzulis 60,000 20,000
Kuzulis Gets the Max After Rivering a Straight Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 20:00(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 6: 200/500 (500)
Entries: 103/132

Rolandas Aglinkas checked before Dangaris Kuzulis jammed the river with a bit in the pot and the on the board. Aglinskas tanked for a short while before calling off for about half a starting stack.

Kuzulis rivered a straight and got paid after turning over the . Aglinskas shook his head in frustration as he turned over the  before heading to the cashier to re-enter.

Player Chips Progress
Dangiras Kuzulis 80,000 15,000
Rolandas Alginskas 30,000 0
Kostickis Turns Broadway Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 19:52(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 6: 200/500 (500)
Entries: 106/131

Kestutis Jungevicius checked with about 12,000 in the pot and the on the board before Paulius Kostickis (pictured below) fired out for 8,000. Jungevicius tanked for about 30 seconds before he called.

Kostickis turned over the for Broadway. Jungevicius shook his head in frustration before tossing his hand into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Paulius Kostickis 65,000 35,000
Kestutis Jungevicius 35,000 5,000
19:47 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 6
Blinds: 200/500     Ante: 500
Rare Six-Bet and Call Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 19:30(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 5: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 108/126

We caught up with a hand developing on Table 6 when Dangiras Kuzulis had a four-bet in front of him for 8,500 from the small blind over a 3,000 three-bet. Jonas Lapinskas tanked for close to a minute before he five-bet to 18,000. Kuzulis quickly five-bet to 33,500, which was about the stack his opponent had remaining and Lapinskas quickly called.

Jonas Lapinskas:
Dangiras Kuzulis:

No four-card flush was on the menu. Instead, both players appeared to appreciate the chop and exchanged fist bumps after the completed the board.

Player Chips Progress
Dangiras Kuzulis 65,000 35,000
Jonas Lapinskas 35,000 5,000
Ulevicius Bets Petruskevicius Off the River Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 19:19(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 5: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 107/122

Linas Petruskevicius (pictured below) opened for 1,200 from early position before Dalius Ulevicius called from one seat over. Edvinas Grimalis three-bet to 3,400 from the hijack and both Petruskevicius and Ulevicius called.

The trio all checked the flop before Petruskevicius and Ulevicius checked the turn. Grimalis bet 3,400. Petruskevicius called before Ulevicius raised to 8,700. Grimalis folded and Ulevicius called to see the river complete the board.

Petruvicius checked. Ulevicius bet 12,700 and Petruvicius tanked before he laid down his hand. Ulevicius showed it was a fortuitous river as he opted to show the table he took down the hand with a set of snowmen after tabling the .

Player Chips Progress
Dalius Ulevicius 70,000 40,000
Linas Petruskevicius 50,000 20,000
Edvinas Grimalis 35,000 5,000
18:58 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 5
Blinds: 200/400     Ante: 400
Gokcek Attempts to Crack Bitauskas's Aces Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 18:24(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 4: 100/300 (300)
Entries: 107/113

Ant Gokcek was one deuce away from being the first player to crack another player's aces in the Vilnius Ace Breaker Main Event. However, instead of getting a free Ace Breaker cocktail, he doubled Ridas Bitauskas (pictured below).

Bitauskas four-bet jammed from middle position for 9,500 and Gokcek called.

Ridas Bitauskas:
Ant Gokcek:

Bitauskas had a small sweat with Gokcek snagging a small piece of the flop. The turn and river put four clubs on the board but with neither player holding a club for Bitauskas to double his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ant Gokcek 45,000 15,000
Ridas Bitauskas 20,000 10,000
18:16 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 4
Blinds: 100/300     Ante: 300
First Break Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 18:06(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Players are on their first 15-minute break. Blinds will increase to 100/300 with a 300 big blind ante when the action resumes.

Flush for Kaulakis Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 18:04(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 3: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 106/111

Rytis Kriunas checked with close to 10,000 in the pot and the on the board after the turn. Irmantas Kaulakis bet 2,000 and Kriunas called. Kriunas quickly check-called a bet of 6,000 on the river by Kaulakis.

Kaulakis turned over the for a flush and won the hand after Kriunas tabled the .

Player Chips Progress
Irmantas Kaulakis 65,000 35,000
Rytis Kriunas 25,000 5,000
Stikelis Picks Off Kubilius Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 17:48(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 3: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 102/106

There wasn't much in the pot when Matas Kubilius check-raised Mantas Stikelis from 1,2,00 to 3,300 on the flop. Stikelis called and Kublius kept his foot on the gas with a bet of 4,500 after the paired the board on the turn.

Stikelis quickly called before the river completed the board. Kubilius didn't waste too much time before betting 11,500. Stikelis paused no longer than 20 seconds before he called.

Kubilius got his hand caught in the cooke jar with and perhaps this hand would have played out differently if Stikelis didn't catch a king on the river after he turned over the to win the hand.

Meanwhile, Armandas Zrelskis also lost his chips but has yet to buy back in. Nestor De La Torre, who hit the rail last blind level, got back into the action for his second bullet.

Player Chips Progress
Mantas Stikelis 65,000 35,000
Nestor De La Torre 30,000 12,000
Matas Kubilius 29,000 1,000
Adomas Juozapavicius 0 0
Armandas Zrelskis 0 0
Mazeika Leaves Kriauciunas With Crumbs Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 17:38(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 3: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 103/106

Bernardas Mazeika (pictured below) fired out for 7,200 with the on the board into a pot of more than double this. Mindaugas Kriauciunas tanked for a short while before he announced a call.

Mazeika turned over the for the top pair and top kicker and left his opponent short on chips after Kriauciunas mucked his hand.

Meanwhile, last year's Main Event winner Vasilij Barna was the latest to hit the rail and will need to re-enter for a shot at repeating his success this year.

Player Chips Progress
Bernardas Mazeika 45,000 15,000
Mindaugas Kriauciunas 5,000 25,000
Vasilij Barna 0 0
17:25 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 3
Blinds: 100/200     Ante: 200
Game of Gold's Olga Iermolcheva in the House Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 17:24(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 101/103

Olga Iermolcheva was known for poker streaming back in the day and became a household name throughout the poker universe after her recent appearance on GGPoker's Game of Gold. Iermolcheva is now battling it out in the Main Event.

We wish her the best of luck in finding glory again, this time in the majestic Lithuanian capital of Vilnius during the OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker.

Player Chips Progress
Olga Iermolcheva 30,000 0
Century Mark Achieved Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 17:17(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 98/100

The century mark has already been reached during Level 2 of the Main Event with 100 entries.

Nestor De La Torre (pictured below), who has been battling it out in the side events leading up to the Main Event, recently hit the rail. He lost most of his stack as we shared during a hand where he ran into the rockets held by Titas Gancieras.

Player Chips Progress
Nestor De La Torre 0 0
Barzdzius Sends Juozapavicius First to the Rail Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 17:05(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 96/97

The OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker €555 Main Event lost its first player in Adomas Juozapavicius. 

Rokas Barzdzius (pictured below), who ousted Juozapavicius recapped the hand. Barzdzius shared he opened to 300 before Juozapavicius three-bet to 1,100. Another player four-bet to 3,100. Barzdzius flatted before Juozapavicius four-bet jammed for around 16,000. The other player in the hand folded with Juozapavicius at risk.

Rokas Barzdzius turned over cowboys, which held against Juozapavicius's ace-jack despite a sweat with the nine-ten-queen rolling out on the board.

Juozapavicius not only became the first player to hit the rail on Day 1a, but also became the first player to re-enter.

Player Chips Progress
Rokas Barzdzius 60,000 30,000
Adomas Juozapavicius 30,000 0
16:41 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 2
Blinds: 100/100     Ante: 100
Tamasauskas Hits Baby Flush Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 16:41(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 91/91

Vladas Tamasauskas and his brother Vincas are both well-known Lithuanian beasts. Tamasauskas is off to a hot start. He recently fired out a pot-sized bet of 3,200 with the on the board. 

Mantas Ramanauskas found a call before getting the bad news and mucking his hand with Tamasauskas turning over for a flush.

Player Chips Progress
Vladas Tamasauskas 40,000 10,000
Mantas Ramanauskas 25,000 5,000
Rockets Good for Gancierius Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 16:31(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100 
Entries: 87/87

Tadas Gancierius (pictured below) wasn't the first player to have his aces cracked. Instead, he won a decent early pot with the best-starting hand against Nestor De La Torre.

De La Torre bet 2,200 into a pot of nearly triple that with the on the board. Gancierius paused for a moment before he jacked it up to 8,000. De La Torre tanked for less than a minute before he called.

De La Torre turned over the for the top set. 

"Nice hand," De La Torre said as he showed the table he had the top pair with the before the pot was awarded to Gancierius.

Player Chips Progress
Titas Gancierius 42,000 12,000
Nestor De La Torre 18,000 12,000
Early Nuts for Eiza Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 16:17(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 76/76

Arnoldas Eiza (pictured below) over-bet the pot with  for 3,000. Edas Cimbolas paused for a few moments before he found a call.

Eiza turned over the for the nut-flush. Cimbolas could have mucked but appeared he wanted to show he was good until the river as he turned over the for two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Arnoldas Eiza 35,000 5,000
Edas Cimbolas 27,000 3,000
Early Players in Action Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 16:05(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 68/68

Last year's inaugural Vilnius Ace Breaker champion Vasilij Barna is back early in an attempt to defend his title. Many others will have their say including Ant Gokcek, Tomas Bassus, Andrius Bielskis, Dominykas Chirpa, Dominykas Jezeryz, Jonas Lapinskas, Aurelius Sipavicius, and Justina Andriukeviciute.

Player Chips Progress
Justina Andriukeviciute 30,000 0
Aurelius Sipavicius 30,000 0
Jonas Lapinskas 30,000 0
Dominykas Jezeryz 30,000 0
Dominykas Chirpa 30,000 0
Andrius Bielskis 30,000 0
Tomas Bassus 30,000 0
Vasilij Barna 30,000 0
Ant Gokcek 30,000 0
Let the Games Begin Posted Tuesday 30th January, 2024 at 16:00(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100
Entries: 68/68

Cards are in the air after some preliminary announcements by the tournament staff. Blinds will go up every 40 minutes with the first break taking place after the third blind level.

A total of 68 entries were in their seats with their 30,000 starting stack to start the action. This figure will increase in leaps and bounds with late registration open until the final hand is dealt and will remain open during the first blind level of Thursday's Day 2.

15:52 (UTC+2)
Day 1A of OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker Started
Level: 1     Blinds: 100/100     Ante: 0
Welcome to the OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker Posted Friday 26th January, 2024 at 11:38(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Welcome to the second edition of the OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker at the luxurious Olympic Casino Lietuva located in the heart of the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius just steps away from the UNESCO-listed Old Town from Jan. 27 to Feb. 4, 2024.

The festival boasts 26 numbered events highlighted by the three-day €555 Main Event and the €1,100 High Roller. Both of these events allow players to get in for a fraction of the cost via €30 satellites.

The Ace Breaker not only provides tons of action at the table with plenty of tournaments and cash games running on demand around the clock but also adds a bit of fun. The event was introduced as the first international poker event in Lithuania with players coming from many countries throughout Europe.

A special buzz took place whenever aces were cracked in the Main Event as the player who delivered the bad beat or cooler was awarded a special cocktail only available during the festival that others could purchase for approximately €20. Expect even more excitement this year with the tradition continuing for a second straight year and bigger attendance expected.

Lithuania's Vasilij Barna will forever be known as the first Vilnius Ace Breaker Main Event champion after navigating through a field of 470 entries to win the €45,575 top prize. Jason Glatzer managed to take 15th place in this event but instead of playing this year, he will do what he is best known for and pick up his pad and pen to report both the Main Event and High Roller here at OlyBet.tv and Main Event Travel for the first-ever English live reporting in Lithuanian poker history.

About the Main Event

The Main Event is a deep-stacked affair with players starting with 30,000 chips, good for 300 big blinds during the first two blind levels. 

Players will have plenty of chances to build a monstrous stack with unlimited re-entries not only permitted during all three opening flights on Jan. 30-31 but also during the first blind level of Day 2 on Feb. 1. Players will battle for a dozen blind levels during the opening day with the first two opening flights boasting a dozen levels of 40-minute each. The final opening flight is a turbo-charged affair but still provides plenty of play with 25-minute blind levels. Players will enjoy an even deeper structure after that with one-hour blind levels until a winner is crowned on Day 3 on Feb. 2.

Our coverage will commence when cards are in the air on Jan. 30 at 4 p.m. Stay tuned for the biggest hands, bad beats, and fun stories until a winner is crowned before we move onto covering the High Roller on Feb. 2-3.

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