0.0004 SECONDS: SHOW TABLES FROM `maineven_met-base`
FROM `page_views`
WHERE `date` = '2025-03-12'
AND `url` = 'https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2024-ppt-series1-e5'
0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
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AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'
0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP'
AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'
0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD'
AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'
0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD'
AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'
0.0001 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR'
AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'
0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
FROM `exchange_rates`
WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR'
AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'
FROM `settings`
JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `settings`.`white_label_version_id`
WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'
FROM `settings`
WHERE `white_label_version_id` = 0
0.0005 SECONDS: SELECT `tours`.*
FROM `tours`
WHERE `active` = 1
AND `venue` = '0'
AND `festival` = '0'
ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id`
FROM `white_label_inclusions`
JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id`
WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'
AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'
FROM `tours`
WHERE `active` = '1'
AND `festival` = '1'
ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id`
FROM `white_label_inclusions`
JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id`
WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'
AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'
0.0001 SECONDS: SELECT `id`, `name`, `url`
FROM `destinations`
WHERE `active` = 1
ORDER BY `display_order`
0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `pages`.*, `parents`.`url_name` as `parent_url_name`
FROM `pages`
LEFT JOIN `pages` as `parents` ON `parents`.`id` = `pages`.`parent_page_id`
WHERE `pages`.`active` = '1'
0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id`
FROM `white_label_inclusions`
JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id`
WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'
AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'page'
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `venues`.*, (select COUNT(*) from tour_stops where tour_stops.venue_id=venues.id AND tour_stops.end_date > curdate() AND tour_stops.active = 1) tour_stop_count
FROM `venues`
WHERE `display_in_navigation` = '1'
0.0006 SECONDS: SELECT tour_stop_blogs.*, tours.page_background as page_background, tours.page_header as page_header, currencies.name as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol, currencies.ISO_4217_code as currency_code, tour_stops.logo as tour_stop_logo, tour_stops.name as tour_stop_name, tour_stop_blog_days.name as current_day_name, tours.id as tour_id, CASE
WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = ''
THEN tours.logo
ELSE tour_stops.logo
END AS logo, tours.name as tour_name, tours.logo as tour_logo, venues.name as venue_name, venues.location as venue_location, venues.map_latitude as venue_latitude, venues.map_longitude as venue_longitude, venues.image as venue_image
FROM `tour_stop_blogs`
LEFT JOIN `currencies` ON `currencies`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`currency_id`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stops` ON `tour_stops`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`tour_stop_id`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_days` ON `tour_stop_blog_days`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`current_day_id`
LEFT JOIN `tours` ON `tours`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`tour_id`
LEFT JOIN `venues` ON `venues`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`venue_id`
WHERE `friendly_url` = '2024-ppt-series1-e5'
FROM `tour_stop_blog_days`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '80'
0.0340 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`
WHERE `content` LIKE "% 0.0057 SECONDS: SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
AND `published` = 1
FROM `tour_stop_blog_days`
WHERE `id` = '212'
FROM `tour_stop_blog_days`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '80'
AND `name` = '1'
0.0068 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC
0.0059 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`
LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`published` = 1
AND `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9131'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9130'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9129'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0071 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9128'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9127'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9126'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9125'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9124'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0069 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9123'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9122'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0066 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9121'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9120'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9119'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9118'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0068 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9117'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9116'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9115'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9114'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9113'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9112'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9111'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9110'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9109'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9108'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9107'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9106'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9105'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9104'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9103'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9102'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9101'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9097'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9096'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9095'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9094'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9093'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9092'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9091'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9088'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9087'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9086'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9085'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9084'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9083'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9082'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9081'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9074'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0071 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9073'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9072'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9064'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9063'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9062'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9057'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9056'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9055'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9049'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9048'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9047'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9040'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9038'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9035'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9034'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9028'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9027'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9026'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9023'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9022'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9014'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0059 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC
0.0057 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`
LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9131'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0094 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9130'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0126 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9129'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0110 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9128'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0080 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9127'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0080 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9126'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0076 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9125'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0085 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9124'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9123'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9122'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9121'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9120'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9119'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9118'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9117'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9116'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9115'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9114'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9113'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9038'
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0.0068 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9035'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9034'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9028'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0067 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9027'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9026'
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0.0066 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9023'
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9022'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9014'
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0.0059 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '212'
ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC
FROM `tour_stop_blogs`
WHERE `active` = 1
AND `tour_stop_id` = 2407
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Kyle Hartree Wins 8-Max for $15,920 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 02:38(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The 8-Max is complete and after a couple of years away from the live felt, Kyle Hartree reminded the Canadian poker world that he's still got the skills. Hartree has more than $350k in lifetime earnings from live poker and this is his 6th win on the live felt in his first Hendon Mob result since 2020.
He ran Pure in the final few hands, getting two quick doubles after they got heads-up to take the lead. In the first of two pivotal hands, his ace-three held over king-queen for runner-up Colin Armstrong. Then shortly after, both players hit a ten on an ace-ten-ace flop with Hartree holding the best kicker.
That gave Hartree a huge lead and it all ended when his ace-ten held against ace-nine for Armstrong in the final hand.
Collin Armstrong Out in 2nd Place for $9,880 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 02:23(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
It was a rough end to the game for Collin Armstrong. He was in the lead until he ran king-queen into ace-three against Kyle Hartree. Hartree held to take a big lead and shortly after, the rest went in on a flopped cooler.
The flop was and both players were playing the ten, but Hatree's kicker was best and held for the win.
Kyle Hartree
Collin Armstrong
02:09 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 26 Blinds: 40,000/80,000 Ante: 80,000
Chips on Break Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 02:06(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Kyle Hartree picked up a double right before the break when his ace-three held against king-queen for Collin Armstrong.
Collin Armstrong
Kyle Hartree
Thomas Taylor Out in 3rd Place for $7,540 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:58(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
It came down to a race for his life when Collin Armstrong raised to 150k, then called off when Thomas Taylor shoved the small blind.
Thomas Taylor: Collin Armstrong:
The board missed both players and pair held giving Armstrong the lead going into heads up.
Thomas Taylor
Armstrong Check-raises Flop Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:51(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Kyle Hartree raised the button to 100k and Collin Armstrong called from the small blind. He checked the flop, then raised to 400k after Hartree bet 105k and Hartree got out of the way pretty quickly.
Collin Armstrong
Kyle Hartree
Hartree Doubles Through Taylor Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:43(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Thomas Taylor has had a rough couple of hands since sending Justin Pennell to the cage. He just doubled Kyle Hartree up after shoving the small blind with a bit of a four-deuce bluff and getting caught by the ace-ten from Hartree. Hartree spiked his ace and held, sending Taylor from first to worst stack in just a couple of hands.
Kyle Hartree
Thomas Taylor
01:38 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 25 Blinds: 30,000/60,000 Ante: 60,000
Double by Quads Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:38(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Collin Armstrong raised the button to 90k and Thomas Taylor shoved the big stack from the small blind. Armstrong made the call with pocket jacks and he was ahead of the for Taylor. Armstrong flopped a jack and turned another one for quads.
"Gonna be hard to win this one," Taylor said dryly when the turn hit.
Collin Armstrong
Thomas Taylor
Justin Pennell Out in 4th Place for $6,000 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:32(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
It was a brutal hand blind on blind. Justin Pennell limped the small blind, then hit the tank when Thomas Taylor shoved with more from the big. "I was trapping," he said, "but not to that extent."
It took a few more seconds but he made the call only to find his king-jack dominated by king-queen for Taylor. Pennell hit his jack on the flop and looked good to survive, but Taylor turned a queen and took down the hand along with the chip lead.
Thomas Taylor
Justin Pennell
Mal Hagan Out in 5th Place for $4,760 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:19(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There are four players left in the 8-Max now after Mal Hagan, who has been nursing a short stack for a while now, ended his day in 5th place for $4,760.
Mal Hagan
Armstrong Doubles Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:15(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
In the final hand of the previous level, Collin Armstrong shoved the small blind and Justin Pennell called with more from the big. Pennell was on but ran into pocket jacks. He couldn't find an ace, and Armstrong spiked a jack on the river for an unnecessary set.
Justin Pennell
Collin Armstrong
01:13 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 24 Blinds: 20,000/40,000 Ante: 40,000
Hagan Gets a Double Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 01:04(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Thomas Taylor raised the cutoff to 60k and Kyle Hartree called from the button before Mal Hagan shoved the small blind for 240k. Taylor got out of the way, but Hartree hit the tank hard before putting in the call.
Hartree was dominated with ace-seven into ace-queen and Hagan flopped a queen and rivered an ace for the double.
Kyle Hartree
Mal Hagan
Chips at Break Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:44(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The players have taken a quick impromptu break with Kyle Hartree leading and the only player with more then a million now.
Kyle Hartree
Thomas Taylor
Justin Pennell
Collin Armstrong
Mal Hagan
00:42 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 23 Blinds: 15,000/30,000 Ante: 30,000
Thomas Taylor Doubles Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:29(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Thomas Taylor just doubled through Justin Pennell when his flopped an ace and held against for Pennell.
Justin Pennell
Thomas Taylor
Ki Lee Out on 6th Place for $3,860 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:25(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
I missed the action, but they are down to five left now after Ki Lee was felted in 6th place for a prize of $3,860.
Andrew Taylor Out in 7th Place for $2,960 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:22(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Andrew Taylor was nearly felted a few minutes ago after doubling up Ki Lee, but he managed to survive a bit longer with a couple of doubles. His day just came to an end in a bit of an odd hand where he was dealt a flashed card. Lee said he saw the which wasn't exactly correct, but the flash was close enough and the card was fully exposed and Taylor got another card face down.
Justin Pennell raised to 90k once the dealing was done, then called when Taylor went all in. It was a race with ace-queen in Pennell's hand, and pocket sixes, including the for Taylor. He was initially dealt and when the 7 was exposed he found a for his trouble.
None of that mattered in the end, however, and Pennell turned his ace for the win and Taylor hit the rail in 7th place.
Lee Gets There for Double Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:13(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Andrew Taylor shoved the middle, and it folded around to Ki Lee in the big blind, who called. He was dominated with ace-queen into ace-king for Taylor, but the flop changed all that. on the turn and river didn't change anything, and Lee got the double, leaving Taylor very short.
Ki Lee
Andrew Taylor
00:08 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 22 Blinds: 15,000/25,000 Ante: 25,000
Cameron Phillips Out in 8th Place for $2,060 Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:08(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The aces and kings are coming fats and furious lately as Cameron Phillips just hit the rail when his cowboys couldn't crack the aces of Justin Pennell.
Andrew Taylor Doubles Posted Monday 19th February, 2024 at 00:00(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Andrew Taylor looked good for a double when Kyle Hartree made it 40k early and he shoved for 135k from his left. Hartree snapped him off but was a dog with pocket kings into pocket aces.
Hartree spiked his king on the flop and it looked like the aces might be cracked until Taylor respiked on the turn with his ace and held to stay alive. Hartree is still the leader.
Kyle Hartree
Andrew Taylor
23:44 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 21 Blinds: 10,000/20,000 Ante: 20,000
Your Final Table Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 23:43(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Justin Pennell
Ki Lee
Thomas Taylor
Kyle Hartree
Andrew Taylor
Mal Hagan
Cameron Phillips
Collin Armstrong
8-Handed Again Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 23:27(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There was actually no 9-handed FT tonight as Jan Rofuli hit the rail in the final hand before the clock was paused. That puts the field at 8 players remaining.
9-Handed FT Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 23:20(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are setting up for the 9-handed final table now after Fred Werezak hit the rail in 10th place for $1,130. I'll grab some pictures and chip counts shortly.
Down to 10 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 23:10(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Ali Khani hit the rail recently in 14th place and shortly after, Saroar Parvez flopped a king and got his money in only to run into aces for Mal Hagan. Alex Polkovsky was next to go in 12th place and Eric Wasylenko followed them to the rail, though he managed to ladder up after being nearly felted a few minutes ago.
Armstrong Stacking Chips Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 23:03(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
I missed the action, but Eric Wasylenko was left nearly felted after a confrontation with Collin Armstrong. Armstrong's ace-king was still showing, though Wasyenko's hand was mucked already.
They were nearly even stacked when the count was complete, and Wasy was left on about 20k. However, he managed to grab a double immediately after, so he's still alive.
23:00 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 20 Blinds: 10,000/15,000 Ante: 15,000
Shawn Taghavi Out in 15th Place for $1,080 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:53(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Shawn Taghavi just ran into it against Kyle Hartree. Taghavi was strong with ace-king, but Hartree was stronger with aces. The board ran clean for the rockets and Hartree blasted Taghavi to the rail in 15th place.
22:38 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 19 Blinds: 6,000/12,000 Ante: 12,000
Down to 15 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:33(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The first elimination in the money happened quickly with Shane Cutinha hitting the rail in 16th place shortly after the bubble burst.
In the Money Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:31(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The bubble was quick tonight as it burst before they got hand for hand. They are down to 16 players left now. Below is a look at the cashing players tonight.
Table 15
Table 16
Saroar Parvez
Kyle Hartree
Justin Pennell
Shawn Taghavi
Collin Armstrong
Shane Cutinha
Eric Wasylenko
Thomas Taylor
Mal Hagan
Ali Khani
Ki Lee
Fred Werezak
Andrew Taylor
Cameron Phillips
Jan Rofuli
Alex Polkovsky
Hand for Hand Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:25(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 17 players now, and action is hand for hand to the money. The soft bubble tonight was patch-girl Haven Taylor, but her hubby Thomas Taylor is among the players still in the mix tonight.
Two from the Money Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:21(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 18 players now, just two off the money spots and the final two tables.
Down to 21 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 22:07(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are now five players away from the money spots and the final two tables as Level 18 begins. The average stack right now is just under 20 big blinds.
22:06 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 18 Blinds: 5,000/10,000 Ante: 10,000
Final Three Tables Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 21:50(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 23 players on the final three tables now, seven players away from the money spots. Level 17 has about 15 minutes left and they are about 90 minutes away from their next break.
21:49 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 17 Blinds: 4,000/8,000 Ante: 8,000
Nine off the Money Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 21:31(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 25 players left in the 8-Max game now, one away from the final three tables and nine away from the money spots in the final 16.
Down to 29 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 21:16(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There are 29 players left in the 8-Max game now with Level 16 about to start. They are now 13 players away from the money spots at the final two tables.
21:15 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 16 Blinds: 3,000/6,000 Ante: 6,000
Almost $16k for First Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 19:41(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The prizes are in and the 8-Max field is confirmed at 163 entries for total prizes of $61,940. 16 players will share in the prizes later today with the winner set to pocket $15,920.
19:38 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 12 Blinds: 1,500/2,500 Ante: 2,500
Dinner Time Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 18:27(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The 8-Max is now on dinner and when they return in 30 minutes, entries will be closed for this game. The prizes just pushed over $60k with 158 entries on the board and 68 players still alive.
Nearly $60k in Prizes Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 18:15(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are up to 157 entries with about 10 minutes to play in Level 10 now. There are 72 players left in the game and entries are set to close in about 40 minutes.
18:14 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 10 Blinds: 1,000/1,500 Ante: 1,500
$55k in Prizes Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 17:37(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The field for the 8-Max is up to 147 entries now for a total prize pool of just shy of $56k. There are still 84 players in action, and a bit more than an hour left in late entries.
17:35 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 9 Blinds: 600/1,200 Ante: 1,200
Nearly $50k in Prizes Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 16:49(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Level 7 has just begun in the 8-Max and the field is up to 127 entries with 92 players at the felt. That puts the prizes now at $48,260 with just over 2 hours left to enter the game.
16:47 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 7 Blinds: 400/800 Ante: 800
More than $40k in Prizes Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 15:35(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The prize pool is up to $41,420 and climbing with 109 entries on the board and 97 players still alive. Entries are still open for a bit less than 3.5 hours, so it looks like this will be a big one. New players are currently being seated in the poker room as the Social is full, but buy-ins are still in Social.
100 Entries for 8-Max Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 15:17(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Level 4 has just begun and the 8-Max is up to 100 entries already. There are still 94 live players in the game and new entries are being seated in the Pokewr room as Social is full to the rafters now.
15:16 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 4 Blinds: 200/400 Ante: 400
More than $32k in Prizes Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 14:46(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Action is in Level 2 now with the field up to 86 entries and 84 players still alive. That puts the prize pool at $32,680 right now but there is still lots of time to get in.
There are still two tables in Social devoted to Day 2 of the Mystery, but the rest of the Social tables are now full and it seems likely they'll be spilling over into the poker room.
14:44 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 2 Blinds: 100/200 Ante: 200
63 Entries in Level 1 Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 14:16(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The 8-Max game is underway, playing out alongside Day 2 of the Mystery in the Social room. There are 63 players in the game with about 10 minutes to play in the opening level for prizes closing in on $25k already.
14:13 (UTC-7)
Day 1 of 2024 PPT Series #1 Started Level: 1 Blinds: 100/100 Ante: 100
8-Max on the Side Today Posted Sunday 18th February, 2024 at 13:10(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The first side event on Sunday is the 8-Max game. Kicking off at 2 pm, players sit down with 25k in chips to play 25-minute levels until a winner is decided. There are 10 levels for entry which should mean the final chance to buy in will come at about 6:55 pm this evening.
My eyes will be firmly on Day 2 of the Mystery Bounty until that game is decided, at which point I'll move over to finish this one.
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