0.0004 SECONDS:
SHOW TABLES FROM `maineven_met-base`

0.0127 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `page_views` WHERE `date` = '2025-03-14' AND `url` = 'https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2024-wsop-cal-aug-e16' ORDER BY `views` DESC

0.0111 SECONDS:
UPDATE `page_views` SET views = views + 1 WHERE `date` = '2025-03-14' AND `url` = 'https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2024-wsop-cal-aug-e16'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `settings`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `white_label_version_id` = 0

0.0005 SECONDS:
SELECT `tours`.* FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `venue` = '0' AND `festival` = '0' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `festival` = '1' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `id`, `name`, `url` FROM `destinations` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `display_order`

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `pages`.*, `parents`.`url_name` as `parent_url_name` FROM `pages` LEFT JOIN `pages` as `parents` ON `parents`.`id` = `pages`.`parent_page_id` WHERE `pages`.`active` = '1'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'page'

0.0039 SECONDS:
SELECT `venues`.*, (select COUNT(*) from tour_stops where tour_stops.venue_id=venues.id AND tour_stops.end_date > curdate() AND tour_stops.active = 1) tour_stop_count FROM `venues` WHERE `display_in_navigation` = '1' LIMIT 30

0.0005 SECONDS:
SELECT tour_stop_blogs.*, tours.page_background as page_background, tours.page_header as page_header, currencies.name as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol, currencies.ISO_4217_code as currency_code, tour_stops.logo as tour_stop_logo, tour_stops.name as tour_stop_name, tour_stop_blog_days.name as current_day_name, tours.id as tour_id, CASE WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = '' THEN tours.logo ELSE tour_stops.logo END AS logo, tours.name as tour_name, tours.logo as tour_logo, venues.name as venue_name, venues.location as venue_location, venues.map_latitude as venue_latitude, venues.map_longitude as venue_longitude, venues.image as venue_image FROM `tour_stop_blogs` LEFT JOIN `currencies` ON `currencies`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`currency_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stops` ON `tour_stops`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`tour_stop_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_days` ON `tour_stop_blog_days`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`current_day_id` LEFT JOIN `tours` ON `tours`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`tour_id` LEFT JOIN `venues` ON `venues`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`venue_id` WHERE `friendly_url` = '2024-wsop-cal-aug-e16'

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '185'

0.0291 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' AND `published` = 1

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `id` = '404'

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '185' AND `name` = '1'

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0071 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`published` = 1 AND `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17390' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17389' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17388' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17387' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17386' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17385' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17384' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17383' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17382' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17381' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17380' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17379' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17378' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17377' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17376' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17375' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17374' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0174 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17373' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0071 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17372' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0074 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17367' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17363' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17362' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17361' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0069 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17360' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17359' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17356' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17348' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0071 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17347' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17346' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0069 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17345' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0173 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17344' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17343' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0101 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17332' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0125 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17331' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17330' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17329' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17328' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17327' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17322' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17321' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17295' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0162 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0069 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17390' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0071 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17389' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17388' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17387' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17386' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17385' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17384' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17383' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17382' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17381' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17380' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0279 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17379' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17378' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17377' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
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0.0064 SECONDS:
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0.0068 SECONDS:
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0.0069 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17373' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0075 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17372' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17367' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17363' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17362' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17361' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17360' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17359' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17356' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17348' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17347' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17346' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17345' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17344' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0074 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17343' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0084 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17332' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17331' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17330' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17329' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17328' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17327' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17322' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17321' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '17295' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0059 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '404' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blogs` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `tour_stop_id` = 2554

Deerfoot Inn and Casino Event #16: $250 Big 30 Stack ($200 + $50) Live Reporting - Day 1

Current Level 29 Current Day 1
Blinds 100,000/150,000 Ante 150000
Entries 321 Remaining 1
Prize Pool (CAD) $64,200 First Prize (CAD) $13,458
1 New Update - Click to refresh
Live Updates - Day 1
Lapchi Duong Wins Final 2024 Calgary Ring Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 03:11(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

The WSOP-C Calgary August 2024 is now complete, and Lapchi Duong won the final ring on offer this year here in Calgary. He took down the final event, the $250 Big 30 Stack, for $13,458 after a pretty crazy run. At one point, he seemed to be getting a hand on every deal, and had aces twice in the span of a just a couple of hands. The second time, he took the game from 4 to 2 in one hand when he had two shoves in front of him and he woke up with the rockets.

He held to get heads-up against Michael Malm and had a big chip lead. Malm made a bit of a battle of it, coming back close to even, but Duong was running hot tonight and couldn't be stopped. The final hand saw Malm flop a pair, but Fuang turned a bigger pair and held for the big win. He had a bit more than $26k in live earnings on his Hendon prior to this one, so he;ll get a nice bump from it/

Michael MalmOut in 2nd Place for $8,912 Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 02:47(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

It was a bit of a wild night. They got heads-up after Lap Doung busted two players in a single hand with aces to bring it from four to two. Michael Malm stayed out of the way of that one and he got to two-handed play with a chip deficit. He managed to double back to nearly even, but he lost another chunk on a failed river bluff that Duong sniffed out. In the final hand, Malm woke up with a suited connector. Malm flopped a pair but Duong turned better and it was all over.

Malm had nearly $870k in wins coming into this series, as well as a bracelet that he won in the 2013 WSOP 8-Game Mix, but he was hoping for his first ring tonight. Despite missing out on the ring, the prize tonight should be enough to push him over $870k in lifetime earnings.

Duong Back to 2:1 Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 01:50(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

Action was on the turn with the board reading and Michael Malm led for 150k. Lapshi Duong raised to 600k, then called when Malm repumped it to 1.6 million. The river was and after several minutes in the tank, during which Duong said "I put you on a flush draw man", Malm bet 800k. Duong called very quickly and Malm mucked his hand as Duong showed for a flopped pair.

01:46 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 29
Blinds: 100,000/150,000     Ante: 150,000
Malm Doubles Close to Even Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 01:41(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

Michael Malm just turned a straight and got the money in to grab a double from Lapshi Duong. Duong is still leading, but not by nearly as much as Malm is up to about 4 million now.

Duong Leading Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 01:39(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

Lapshi Duong has the big lead now with about 6.8 million to 2.8 million for Michael Malm. We haven't seen many showdowns but Duong has been using aggression to his advantage. In the first of three hands they both limped to a flop of and Malm check-called 200k. The turn brought a lead for 450k from Malm, but he mucked when Duong shoved.

The next hand, Malm limped, then folded to a shove from Duong. In the following hand, Duong limped preflop, then called a raise to 600k. Both players checked the monochrome flop but when Malm led the turn fro 300k, Duong made it 800k and got the fold.

01:27 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 28
Blinds: 60,000/120,000     Ante: 120,000
Heads Up in One Hand Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 01:23(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

James Yeung and Brad Rogers just ran into the steam roller of Lapshi Duong tonight. Duong has been hitting hands like crazy, and with Yeung and Rogers all in in front of him, he woke up with aces for the second time in the last few minutes. The aces held, and Duong already had the big stack to send the other two to the rail and take an even bigger stack into heads-up against Michael Malm.

Aidin Nakhai Out in 5th Place for $3,006 Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 01:13(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

There are just four players left now in the final ring event for 2024 in Calgary. Aidin Nakhai was the 5th place finisher tonight. It looks like Lapshi Duong is the leader right now with almost 4 million, but Michael Malm has about 2.5 million.

01:04 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 27
Blinds: 50,000/100,000     Ante: 100,000
Five Left in Final Event Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 00:52(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

They are down to 5 players left in the final event of the series now. Full prizes so far are under the Payouts tab. Below is a look at the 5 players who have cashed out of the final table already. James Britton just lost his short stack shoving with king-queen. He was called by Lapshi Duong and Michael Malm. Duong hit a pair of sevens and bet the turn, pushing Malm off his hand, and the sevens held to send Britton home.





6 James Britton Calgary, Ab $2,204
7 Viet Do Calgary, Ab $1,660
8 Ryan Cairns Edmonton, Ab $1,286
9 Kyle Cook Uk $1,026
10 Kim Pham Calgary, Ab $842
00:41 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 26
Blinds: 40,000/80,000     Ante: 80,000
Final Table Faces Posted Tuesday 20th August, 2024 at 00:36(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

00:19 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 24
Blinds: 25,000/50,000     Ante: 50,000
In the Money Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 21:39(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

Things are moving pretty quickly in the Chrome room. I'm still watching the High Roller action with 3 players left but the Big 30 Stack is down to 34 players with the first pay level complete. Prizes to date are listed under the Payouts tab.

21:37 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 18
Blinds: 6,000/12,000     Ante: 12,000
Entries Confirmed at 321 Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 21:11(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

The prizes are up in the backend and 321 entries is confirmed. 49 players will be in the money tonight with $64,200 in total in the pot. The winner tonight will pocket $13,458 while the 49th-place player gets $500.

321 Unofficial Entries Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 19:59(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

The final event of this series has closed registration now with 321 entries on the board. I still need to confirm the numbers against the official prize pool, but if they hold 49 players will be getting a piece of $64,200 later tonight. With 20 minute blinds this is a but of a turbo game, but with 321 entries, it may still go pretty late tonight.

19:56 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 14
Blinds: 3,000/5,000     Ante: 5,000
One Hour of Entry Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 18:09(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

I got the start time for this one wrong. As it turned out the game started at 3 though I thought it started at 2. That means the entries are still open for another hour on the WSOP-C events for 2024 in Calgary.

18:08 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 9
Blinds: 1,000/1,500     Ante: 1,500
182 Entries for Final Game Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 16:10(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

The final game in this series is the $250 Big 30 Stack and there are a lot of people still interested in a ring. The field is up to 182 entries with action in Level 4 for prizes of more than $36k already. Entries are still open for about 2 hours, so that number is likely to climb as I expect rebuys to be brisk on this one right up until the deadline as this is the final chance to grab a ring in Calgary this year.

16:06 (UTC-7)
Day 1 of Deerfoot Inn and Casino Started
Level: 4     Blinds: 300/500     Ante: 500
Final Shot at a Ring in the Big 30 Stack Posted Monday 19th August, 2024 at 04:07(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman

Event #16: $250 Big 30 Stack ($200 + $50)
Date: Aug 19, 2024 - 2 pm
Start Stack: 20,000
Blinds: 20 Minutes
Late Entry: 11 Levels (~6:10 PM)

This is the final  shot at a ring in August in Calgary, and rumour has it, that's for all time. In 2025, it's very likely there will be no May or August WSOP in Calgary, but instead, the second Calgary Circuit series will run in October. Final confirmation of that is yet to come, but Event #16 may be the final shot ever to win a ring in August in Calgary.

Action kicks off at 2 pm with 20k to start and players will play 20-minute levels until only one is left. Late entries are open for 11 levels and the final shot to enter in this series will come at about 6:10 pm on Monday.

There's a good chance I won't have any eyes on this game, but I may make it over for the end. They'll be playing this one in Chrome, but I'll be over in Sundance for most of the day watching Day 3 of the Main and Day 2 of the High Roller, in that order. This final event is third on my priority list, but I will keep the numbers and prize pool data updated as best I can through the day.

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