0.0003 SECONDS: SHOW TABLES FROM `maineven_met-base`
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0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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0.0001 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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0.0002 SECONDS: SELECT `rate`
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FROM `settings`
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0.0006 SECONDS: SELECT `tours`.*
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AND `festival` = '0'
ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id`
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AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'
FROM `tours`
WHERE `active` = '1'
AND `festival` = '1'
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0.0004 SECONDS: SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id`
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0.0001 SECONDS: SELECT `id`, `name`, `url`
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FROM `venues`
WHERE `display_in_navigation` = '1'
0.0007 SECONDS: SELECT tour_stop_blogs.*, tours.page_background as page_background, tours.page_header as page_header, currencies.name as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol, currencies.ISO_4217_code as currency_code, tour_stops.logo as tour_stop_logo, tour_stops.name as tour_stop_name, tour_stop_blog_days.name as current_day_name, tours.id as tour_id, CASE
WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = ''
THEN tours.logo
ELSE tour_stops.logo
END AS logo, tours.name as tour_name, tours.logo as tour_logo, venues.name as venue_name, venues.location as venue_location, venues.map_latitude as venue_latitude, venues.map_longitude as venue_longitude, venues.image as venue_image
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0.0330 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '171'
AND `published` = 1
0.0321 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '172'
AND `published` = 1
0.0306 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '173'
AND `published` = 1
0.0332 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '174'
AND `published` = 1
0.0282 SECONDS: SELECT `content`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`
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AND `published` = 1
FROM `tour_stop_blog_days`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '59'
AND `name` = '1D'
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '174'
ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name`
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7662'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
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0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7660'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7658'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7657'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7655'
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7650'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7649'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7648'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7646'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7647'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7642'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7641'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7640'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7639'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7638'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7637'
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0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7632'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7631'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7630'
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0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7627'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7626'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7625'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7621'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7619'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7620'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7615'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7612'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7611'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0076 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7610'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0070 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7607'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0113 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7606'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0073 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7605'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7604'
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0.0067 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7603'
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7600'
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7599'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7598'
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7597'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7596'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7595'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7594'
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7593'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7592'
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0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7591'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7590'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7589'
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0.0066 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7584'
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0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7583'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0059 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '174'
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0.0057 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7664'
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0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7663'
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0.0066 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7662'
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0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7661'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7660'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7659'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7658'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0066 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7657'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7655'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7650'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7649'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7648'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7646'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7647'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7642'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7641'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7640'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7639'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7638'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7637'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7632'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7631'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7630'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7627'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7626'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7625'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7621'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7619'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7620'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0082 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7615'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0138 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7612'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7611'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7610'
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7603'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
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FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7600'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7599'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7598'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7597'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0068 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7596'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
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WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7595'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0064 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7594'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7593'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0061 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7592'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7591'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7590'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0065 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7589'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0062 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7584'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0063 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code`
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`
LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '7583'
ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC
0.0060 SECONDS: SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.*
FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players`
WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '177'
ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC
FROM `tour_stop_blogs`
WHERE `active` = 1
AND `tour_stop_id` = 2148
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Modified Payouts Put Almost $85k Up Top Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 23:54(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Because Day 1d ended with more than 5% of the field still alive, the Day 2 payouts posted earlier had to be readjusted. A few more players are coming back to Day 2 but also a few more dollars in Day 2 prize pool. As a result, 93 players will be returning on Sunday for Day 2, and the winner is now set to pocket $84,909. See the payouts tab for a full look at all the payouts.
Gary Thorneycroft Bags Big 1d Stack Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 23:10(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The bags have all been collected and Gary Thorneycroft was the player with the biggest bag from 1d with more than 700k while Lee Clark and Pechsouann Chleng both have in the 600k range. See the chip counts tab for a look at the stacks that qualified from today, and see below for the Day 1d payouts. The extra players from tonight mean that the Day 2 payouts have changed ... I'll get the new payouts posted as soon as they are up.
38 Players Advance from 1d Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 22:49(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Day 1d is complete and they went the distance with 38 players still alive after the end of 20 levels of play. I'll post the final payouts and chip counts moving forward shortly.
6 Players or 20 Minutes from End of Day Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 22:16(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There are just over 20 minutes left in Level 20 now with the field down to 39 players left now. They'll play 20 more minutes at most, but they'll end earlier if they hit 33 first.
22:03 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 20 Blinds: 10,000/20,000 Ante: 20,000
40 Minutes to Play at Most Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 21:57(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There are about 10 minutes left in the penultimate level of the Day 1 schedule. They are 9 players off an early end after the recent exit of Marc Belland with 40 minutes to play until the hard stop.
10 Off Early Night Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 21:44(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 43 players left now with a bit more than 20 minutes to play in Level 19. That puts them 10 away from an early end tonight, or about 50 minutes away from the hard stop regardless of field.
Frederic Robert and Steven Dubois-Daigle were the busted players that got them to 43.
21:42 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 19 Blinds: 10,000/15,000 Ante: 15,000
13 Off the Early End Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 21:26(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 46 remaining in 1d now with about 10 minutes to play in Level 18. That puts them 13 off the early end of the night with just over two levels to play until the hard stop.
21:06 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 18 Blinds: 6,000/12,000 Ante: 12,000
20 Off Early Night Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 21:06(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Level 17 is nearly complete now with the field down to 53 players remaining, 20 off an early end to Day 1d. Once Level 18 starts there will be three more levels on the schedule before the hard stop, but they'll bag early at 33 if they get there first.
Olivier Biera Dos Santos, Leon Shum, and Julius Roque were the busts to bring the game to 53 remaining.
Busts Slowing Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 20:45(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 56 players left in the day now with about 10 minutes gone in Level 17. That puts them 23 eliminations away from the early end of the night, but they'll stop at the end of Level 20 no matter what.
Kyle Cook and Jack Wong were the two busts since my last payout grid post.
Down to 58 at Break Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 20:33(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The final 58 players are on their last break of Day 1d with the end of Level 16. They'll be back for Level 17 with blinds at 5k/10k/10k in less than five minutes. See below for the cashing players so far.
20:31 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 17 Blinds: 5,000/10,000 Ante: 10,000
Down to 71 Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 20:08(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Players are busting pretty quickly at this point with more than 20 collecting pay slips already. I'm actually a bit behind the actual payouts as they are down to 66 remaining now, but here's a look at payouts to 72nd place.
19:49 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 16 Blinds: 4,000/8,000 Ante: 8,000
Dropping Fast Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 19:49(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The payouts are moving very quickly now with the field down to 79 remaining. See below for the payouts to 81st place.
First Payouts of 1d Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 19:42(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 84 players left in Day 1d now with the first payouts in the system now.
19:36 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 15 Blinds: 3,000/6,000 Ante: 6,000
In the Money Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 19:17(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There was no hand-for-hand in today's event as the bubble burst in the final hand before the clock was paused. All remaining are now in the Day 1 money, and now it's a race to the end of Level 20, or to 33 players, whichever comes first.
Provisional Day 2 Payouts are In Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 19:02(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The Day 2 payouts are in, but the numbers are subject to change depending on how many players survive today's flight. Assuming they make it down to 33 players, 87 players will return for Day 2 and the winner tomorrow is set to pocket $82,790 with 8 places getting a five-figure payday.
See below for the provisional payouts based on 33 players surviving tonight.
18:50 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 14 Blinds: 3,000/5,000 Ante: 5,000
Closing in on the Money Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 18:35(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
They are down to 108 players left in the game now, 14 off the money spots now. There are still 15 minutes left in Level 13 so it's possible they'll hit the money before this level ends, but seems more likely to happen early in Level 14.
Prize Pool Numbers Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 18:23(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Just as a clarification for the prize pool and field size numbers in the widget for this event. I am tracking the total entries across all four flights and the remaining players from today, plus all the qualifiers from the first three flights, which explains why there are 126 players left today, but the remaining players in the widget show as 181. The prize pool numbers in the widget also reflect the total for all four flights.
Back in Action Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 18:20(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The players are just returning from the dinner break now and will be back in action in less than a minute. There are 126 players left now, which is 32 away from the 94 paid spots.
18:19 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 13 Blinds: 2,000/4,000 Ante: 4,000
Dinner Time Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 17:47(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The payouts are in and there will be 94 players sharing in the Day 1d prizes tonight, with at least 33 players moving forward to tomorrow's Day 2. The players are on their dinner break now with 126 players left in the game, so it looks like the bubble will burst sometime in Level 14 or early in 15.
Down to 144 Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 17:06(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The field is down to 144 players as a table broke just before the start of Level 12. The players have a dinner break following this level, and it looks like they'll still be a ways off the money by the time they break for dinner.
17:05 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 12 Blinds: 2,000/3,000 Ante: 3,000
Lots of Familiar Faces Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 16:55(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The room is still packed with recognizable names from the local scene with 162 players left in the game. Among them are Glen Tarasoff, Mal Hagan, Jason Hromada, DJ Sharma, Colin Burton, Richard Rex, Kyle Rosnes (who was at the PLO FT the other night), Stefan Maloney, Don Montgomery, Leo Leclerc, Paul Brar (Calgary), Kali Shuali, Josh Wallace, Juss Viet, Evan Thomas, Ryan Comely, Anthony Manfredi, Zeyu "Skytrain" Huang, Ron Lauzon, Aaron McClean, and Aamir Khan.
16:38 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 11 Blinds: 1,500/2,500 Ante: 2,500
Tables Breaking Fast Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 16:30(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The 1d field is down to 182 players left now after another table break. Among the other players I've spotted still battling are Gurdeep Parhar, 888poker streamer Jordan Banfield, Talal Shoush, Matthew Ouellette, Christian Mirkovic, Alicia Dodds, Toby Wu, and Hari Aujla.
The field size is also confirmed at 622 for today, making the 1,715 record official. Day 1d prizes will be published as soon as they are out.
Fewer than 200 Players Remain Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 16:21(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The field is down to 198 players now with Level 10 about half finished. Among the players I've spotted still battling for cash or a bag are Gerald Chung, Fred Werezak, Joon Park, Jeff "Ironman" Charlebois, Catherine Ng, Gary Lucci, Tressa Corbin, Leo Zhang, Nohad Teliani, Nicholas Lee, Craig Netter, and Paul Sokoloff. That is far from a comprehensive list and I'll try to add more names as the night goes on.
16:05 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 10 Blinds: 1,000/2,000 Ante: 2,000
Numbers Dropping Fast Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 16:05(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
With entries now closed the numbers are dropping fast with just over 200 players remaining in the game. I'd expect that they'll be below 200 players shortly after Level 10 begins.
Entries Closed with Unofficial Total of 1,715 Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 15:40(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Day 1d topped out at an astonishing 622 entries today (unofficial) putting the 4-Flight total at 1,715 pending review of the numbers. If that holds, the total prizes will be $565,950.
It looks like 94 players will get paid from today's flight with at least 32 players advancing to tomorrow's Day 2. I'll confirm the numbers once we get the Day 1d prizes up, and I should be able to publish the Day 2 payouts later tonight as well.
15:32 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 9 Blinds: 1,000/1,500 Ante: 1,500
7 Entries Off 1,700 Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 15:15(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Level 8 is nearing the end now, and players have until the end of the break following this level to get into the final flight of the 4-Flight game. The total field is up to 1,693 with 600 entries today. That puts them just 7 entries off of 1,700 total with about 20 minutes left to enter.
The prizes now are sitting at just shy of $560k. This is now officially the biggest field ever at Deerfoot and, I believe, in the history of Alberta poker.
Final Level of Entries Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 14:48(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Level 8 has just begun and this will be the final level for players to get into the game. Entries will be open through the break following this level but will be closed when they return for Level 9. That means there are about 45 minutes left to enter the 4-Flight games.
The prize pool now is sitting at $548k and looks certain to blow past $550k before it all closes down.
14:45 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 8 Blinds: 600/1,200 Ante: 1,200
Two Rooms of Action Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 14:41(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
It's been a huge day today, so big they needed the extra space in Chrome to fit all the players in. Earlier in the day, Chrome has 11 tables whole Sundance was full to the brim. Sundance is still full, but Chrome is down to just four tables left with the remaining field in today's flight down under 300 now.
The total entries across all four flights now is up to 1,656, more than 100 above last year's numbers with about 50 minutes left to get into this final flight. The prizes now are sitting at $546k.
Prizes Nearing $550k Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 14:27(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
The massive field is now closing in on 100 over last year's record number of 1,538 with 1,628 in the field already this year. Level 7 is about 10 minutes in right now and there is just over an hour left to get into this final flight. Prizes right now are just shy of $540k and with this being the final flight, I expect a lot of rebuys right up until the last minute.
1,700 total entries is still within sight, though at this point, it looks like the field may top out in the high 1,600s. With so many players at the felt, the room is full of familiar faces. Among the new faces I've spotted fro this event are Hari Aujla who arrived from Vancouver late last night, as well as Edmonton grinders Gerald Chung and Ali Razzaq, both playing their first event of the series so far..
14:21 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 7 Blinds: 500/1,000 Ante: 1,000
4-Flight Blows Past 2023 Numbers Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 14:05(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
There are more than 500 entries on the board for the final flight of the 4-Flight game today with about 90 minutes left to enter the game. There are 326 players in seats at the moment, though I expect that number is more of an estimate than accurate.
Prizes are now at around $530k and climbing, and this year's event is already well past the 1,538 total from last year with more than 1,600 entries and 1,700 well within sight.
13:57 (UTC-7)
Start of Level 6 Blinds: 400/800 Ante: 800
Final Chance to Bag a Day 2 Stack in 4-Flight Posted Saturday 13th January, 2024 at 03:44(UTC-7) by Lyle Bateman
Event #3: $400 4-Flight Jan 11-14 Day 1a/c: Jan 11/12 4 pm Day 1b/d: Jan 12/13 11 am Start Stack: 20k Blinds: 30/45 Minutes Entries: 8 Levels (~3:30 pm) Day 1: 20 Levels or 5% of Field
It's time for the first flight of the ever-popular 4-Flight game. There were more than 1,500 entries in this one last year when the dust settled but with Event #1 falling about 10% shy of last year's numbers it remains to be seen if Event #3 will cap last year or not.
Flights a and c run at 4 pm on Jan 11 and 12 while flights b and d run on Jan 12 and 13 at 11 am. Players sit down with 20k in chips and play 30-minute levels on Day 1. Players can enter until the start of Level 9 which should be at about 8:30 pm for flights a/c and about 3:30 pm for flights b/d.
Day 1 action will last 20 levels at most, but they'll end early if they hit 5% of the starting field first.
03:43 (UTC-7)
Day 1D of WSOPC Canada - Calgary Started Level:Blinds: 0/0 Ante: 0
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