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Monday 5th June, 2023

2023 Goliath – The Hotel Low-Down

By Mad Harper

The Goliath festival is taking place in a months time from July 27 to August 6 this year at the Coventry Building Society Arena in the Midlands. A record field is expected so we’re strongly recommending players get a good head-start on room reservations to ensure they get exactly what they want.

Below you’ll find details for five local hotels that we’re recommending to Goliath players. They’re all comfy and conveniently located,  i.e. no more than 15 minutes’ drive from the Goliath festival venue at the Coventry Building Society Arena. 

A reminder on dates: the £150 buy-in Main Event will get underway on July 29 with eight different starting flights over a total of seven days. Flight A is on July 29 at noon with the final two start flights taking place on August 4: Flight G at 11am and the Flight H turbo starting at 6pm.

Kelly Saxby, MET Retail Sales & Marketing Consultant, said: “Last year a lot of people left it late to book their accommodation and were disappointed that they’d missed out on good deals, and locations! Many of our rooms have cancellation options if your plans change, and we currently have several hotel options at lower rates than most online providers. This year’s festival is taking place nearly a month earlier than last year so that will also put pressure on hotel bookings now. My advice is to get booked in advance”

MainEventTravel.com is the Official Travel Partner for Grosvenor’s epic Goliath festival. Bag your room now to take advantage of lower rates – and make sure you get to stay where you want. 

Novotel Coventry  

The Novotel Coventry (pictured below) is a premium option if you’re planning to play this year’s Goliath. It’s easy walking distance from the CBS Arena venue and close to Junction 3 on the M6. The bedrooms are modern and well-equipped. All have plasma TV, tea- and coffee-making facilities, a safe, mini-fridge – and even an iron and ironing board if you’re planning to spruce up for the event! WiFi is free throughout the hotel. The bar is open 24/7. Breakfast is served from 6.30am – 10am on weekdays and up to 11am at the weekend. It’s £9.95 per person unless included in your reservation. The restaurant is open for dinner from 6pm to 9.30pm.

The hotel has a nice garden – al fresco dining! and is open to both guests and non-residents. For those who want to keep up their fitness schedule, there’s a purpose-built gym on-site, open from 7am – 10pm. For snacks and drinks, room service is available 24/7; (and from 6pm – 9.30pm for hot meals.) Parking at the hotel is £5 for your entire stay – just let reception know on arrival. MainEventTravel has options for room only, room with breakfast and a third option offering free cancellation – so you can book now even if you’re not 100% sure you’re coming. Check-in is 3pm; check-out is noon.

Royal Court

The Royal Court Hotel (pictured below) is always a popular choice with Goliath players. This beautiful Grade II listed country house, set in 11 acres of landscaped gardens and parkland, is just a ten-minute drive from the Goliath venue. The original manor house dates back to 1894 and was built by the car manufacturer William Hillman to house his large family. It’s been extended over the years and is now one of the largest hotels in the area with over 200 rooms. 

The hotel restaurant serves delicious breakfast and dinner every day in the stunning baronial hall of the original manor. Reservations are room-only with full English breakfast available from 7am – 9.30am on weekdays and 8am to 10.30am for £18/pp. Dinner is from 6.30pm to 9pm. Overlooking the pool area, the Java Lounge Café serves light meals and snacks from 6:30pm-9:30pm and the hotel bar is open until 11pm. All rooms feature a TV, telephone, hairdryer and tea- and coffee-making facilities. For just £4 a session, guests can enjoy excellent hotel spa facilities with a heated indoor pool, gym, sauna, steam room and hot tub - open from 8:30am-7pm on weekdays and from 9:30am-5:30pm at weekends. Hotel parking is free. WiFi is free in all the public areas however in your room, it’s £7 for 24 hours (per device.) The hotel’s reception desk is open 24/7; check-in is from 4pm; check-out is up to 10am. MainEventTravel has options for room only and a second option offering free cancellation up to four days before arrival. There is no room service.

Britannia Coventry

Even though the Britannia Coventry (pictured below) is a city centre hotel, it’s still only a 12-15 minutes drive to the CBS Arena. Located in the heart of Coventry overlooking the cathedral, the Britannia is a great option if you’re after a more budget option. All rooms have TV, hairdryer and tea- and coffee-making facilities. WiFi is free in all the public areas but in your room, it’s £7 for 24 hours (per device). The hotel’s Bentley’s restaurant is right on Cathedral Square and serves a £13.50 all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast from 7am to 9.30 weekdays and 8am-10.30am at weekends. Dinner is from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. The hotel’s Daimlers Bar offers a range of snacks throughout the day and evening including toasties and paninis. It’s open from 10.30am to 11pm (or later, if still busy). Please note, there is no room service at the Britannia Coventry. Check-in is 3pm; check-out is noon. There is no parking on-site but Lower Ford Street car park is just four minutes walk away. It costs £2/hour 8am-6pm and £1/hour after 6pm – up to a maximum of £8 per 24 hours.

DoubleTree by Hilton Coventry

The DoubleTree by Hilton Coventry (not to be confused with the sold-out DoubleTree at the CBS Arena) (pictured below) is a very stylish option for your Goliath sojourn. Located just off the M6, it’s only five miles/12 minutes’ drive from the Arena and/or Coventry city centre. It boasts a ton of amenities including free access to the fabulous LivingWell spa with 15m indoor pool, jacuzzi, sauna, steam room and gym. All the rooms have a bathtub with shower, desk, 32-inch HDTV, media hub for connecting electronic devices, tea- and coffee-making facilities. There is free Wifi throughout the hotel.

The Larder restaurant serves up a varied menu of traditional and international options and you can also grab a Starbucks-brewed coffee here – or glass of wine from The Larder Bar. The restaurant is open daily from 6.30pm to 9pm (last orders for dinner are at 8.30pm) while the bar is open up to 11pm. Breakfast is served 6.30-9.30am on weekdays and 7.30-10.30am at the weekend. Full English breakfast is just £14.95. You need to book the restaurant but light meals/snacks are also available in the Larder Bar. Room service is round the clock (with a reduced menu from 10pm.) There is secure parking in front of the hotel for £6/day. Check in is from 3pm, check-out by noon.

Holiday Inn, Coventry

Holiday Inns (below) are always a reliable option if you’re looking for affordable accommodation – and the Holiday Inn Coventry has all the creature comforts you’d expect from this well-known chain. The Holiday Inn Coventry is located at Junction 2 of the M6, close to both the CBS Arena venue (10 minutes’ drive) and the city centre. 

All the rooms have TV and tea- and-making facilities and the Wifi is free. There is an onsite bar and the Open Lobby restaurant serves Full English Breakfast and dinner. There is also 24/7 room service. Breakfast is served from 6.30am to 9.30am weekdays and 7.30am to 10.30am at weekends. Dinner is from at 6.00pm to 9.00pm daily. Please note you will need to book dinner in advance to dine in the restaurant.  A nice Holiday Inn touch is that, if you have left your laptop behind, you can use one at the hotel. Parking is £10 overnight. Check-in is from 2pm; check-out by noon.

Head to the Goliath Event Page on Main Event Travel today to view hotels available nearby, you can search by proximity to the venue, price, and date. Book your stay today!

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