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Tuesday 15th August, 2023

The Autumn 2023 Malta Poker Festival Schedule has been Announced!

By Kelly Saxby

After the Malta Poker Festival Spring Edition exceeded its expectations, MPF has announced once again, an increased guaranteed prize pool for the Autumn Grand Event with a whopping €500,000 on offer! 

Players can look forward to an action-packed schedule at the Portomaso Casino, Malta Poker Festival taking place in St. Julian’s 23 October – 30 October, 2023.  

The major highlight this Autumn is the €550 MPF Grand Event powered by Unibet DSO, returning with an impressive €500,000 guaranteed prize pool. Players will receive a 50,000 starting stack, and the tournament features seven starting flights, with 50-minute levels on Days 1A and 1B, followed by 40-minute levels Days 1C, 1D and 1E, and 20-minute turbos Day 1F and 1G. Participants will be entitled to two re-entries and can register until Level 8 each day. Players also receive a free casino buffet dinner on Grand Event play days. 

MPF Spring saw 1,226 entries in the Grand Event, culminating in a prize pool of €586,760. Scotland’s Lewis Coffin emerged as the victor, pocketing €100,600. MPF Autumn expects to smash the €500k guarantee!

Live satellites into the Grand Event begin 23 October and run through 27 October. For just €70, players receive a 15,000 starting stack and play 20-minute levels. Unlimited re-entries are available for the first eight levels.

Save time and the hassle of exchanging and carrying cash with MainEventTravel.com, where you can buy-in to the Grand Event in advance. Head straight to VIP to pick-up your pre-purchased ticket, and you'll receive priority over alternates with your advance buy-in. Your chips will not go into play until level 8, just in case you want another hour by the pool before you start!  

MPF Autumn Offers Something for Everyone

The Malta Poker Festival Autumn Schedule  has something for every level of player. Buy-ins range from €120 for The Amateur Poker Association & Tour Maltese Championship and the Bounty Hunter Progressive, right up to a €1100 High Roller, with €150 satellites available for the HR!

In addition to a Deepstack, a Win the Button, and Mystery Bounty Event, there are tournaments to suit every player.  

PLO Knights Crusaders, a popular Pot-Limit Omaha event, commences on 28 October with a €200 buy-in. Participants will be armed with 35,000 starting chips and 25-minute levels. 

There is also a €230 H.O.R.S.E. event, €230 Crazy Pineapple, and the Betsson One Bullet €150 for those who love a freeze-out.

Autumn also features a live satellite to the WPT Prime at the Wynn Las Vegas!! 

MPF Organizer Ivonne Montealegre is also International Affairs Director for the Women’s Poker Association and takes pride in running the Ladies First! event.  Renowned poker player and Twitch streamer Ylva Thorsrud will host the event on 28 October, which has an enhanced structure for Autumn. With a €150 buy-in, the tournament features a starting stack of 25,000 chips and 25-minute levels, accompanied by unlimited re-entries for the first eight levels. The Spring edition of Ladies First! drew both amateurs and professionals, culminating in a victory for AJ Rudolph.

The Seniors Event will be hosted by Esteemed Irish Poker Tour ambassador Paul ‘Rinty’ Monaghan and takes place 29 October. This €230 buy-in tournament features a 30-minutes clock and 35,000 starting stack. 

You can see the FULL SCHEDULE HERE and BUY-IN for all tournaments in advance on MET. Skip the queues, and arrive when it’s convenient, receiving priority along the way!

Plan your Trip

The time is ripe to plan your Autumn escape to Malta. As the Official Travel Partner to the Malta Poker Festival for Autumn 2023 MainEventTravel.com can help you do just that!

The 5* VIP Experience

The 5* Hilton Malta (pictured below) offers players and pleasure seekers a world-class experience in one of the most luxurious hotels in Europe. The hotel features panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea, a luxurious spa, four outdoor pools, one indoor pool, amazing restaurants including one of the best breakfast buffets ever, and more! And players are situated right in the heart of the action with Portomaso Casino just steps away.

MainEventTravel.com has fantastic special offers for players at 5* Hilton Malta including 4, 5, or 6 night Main Event + Accommodation VIP Packages starting at just €1,789, as well as discounted room only options, all available with free cancellation offers for peace of mind if your tournament plans change.

VIP Packages available at Hilton Malta for Single or Double Occupancy include:

4, 5 or 6 nights 5* accommodation

Best breakfast buffet on the island

1 x Grand Event buy-in valued €550

• 1 or 2 VIP bracelets (based on occupancy)

Tea, coffee, soft drinks, water, house wine & beer in Casino 25 – 30 October inclusive

Entrance to Level 22 Nightclub ‘All-in’ Party 27 October

VIP Concierge service

Player events

Guests staying at the Hilton can also choose to upgrade to an Executive Room, which gives additional VIP services with access to the 9th floor lounge with spectacular views, where you can enjoy a private continental breakfast in the mornings, afternoon tea including sandwiches and cakes, and pre-dinner drinks – think Italian style aperitivo – from 5-7pm with a mix of wines, beer and spirits available.

Number 11 Hotel

The 3* Adults-only Number 11 Hotel (pictured below) offers contemporary comfort at a great price. Located in Paceville, less than 5 mins walk to Portomaso Casino, the stylish and spacious rooms are equipped with a rain shower, desk area, laptop-sized safe, tea and coffee, Smart TV, and high speed wifi. Continental breakfast is served daily, and Mestizo restaurant offers vibrant Meso-South American inspired fusion social dining and drinking experience in the evenings. You can see Portomaso Casino from the rooftop pool that boasts fantastic views over St Julians! And just across the street in our sister hotel you will find a spa and wellness centre.

MainEventTravel.com has 5 night VIP Package Special Offers for two (2) starting at just €1,499, all available with free cancellation options.

VIP Packages available at Number 11 Malta include:

5 nights Double B&B (Continental)

1 x Grand Event buy-in valued €550

• 2 x VIP bracelets

Tea, coffee, soft drinks, water, house wine & beer in Casino 25 – 30 October inclusive

Entrance to Level 22 Nightclub ‘All-in’ Party 27 October

VIP Concierge service

Player events

Travel to suit every Budget

MainEventTravel.com has hotels room available to suit every budget in Malta, many for less than most major online travel providers and with cancellation options available. MET makes searching for rooms nearby easy with the handy events listing for MPF Autumn that allows you to search by proximity to MPF venue or by price.

Early Bird Bookings

Book a VIP Package at an exclusive discounted rate on MainEventTravel.com and take advantage of this limited-time Early Bird Offer.

Bespoke Packages

Looking for a bespoke travel package? Email mpf@maineventtravel.com with your requirements and we can create a travel package tailored to your needs!

MPF Schedule

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Travel search results are valid for a period of 20 minutes. If you do not book by this time, items in your cart may change in price or become unavailable.