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Sunday 29th April, 2018

What's on in May

By Mad Harper

May has a bunch of poker events around the world including 888Live Barcelona, Unibet Open in Malta, Grosvenor Casino’s Goliath in Coventry, SuperStack and WPTs– and that’s before the World Series of Poker gets under way at the end of the month.

Wherever you’re headed next month, MainEventTravel can help you with all your accommodation needs – from villas in Vegas to hotels in Spain, we have you covered! Don't forget - you can now book flights online at MainEventTravel.com as well as your holiday accommodation.

For Vegas & WSOP news, check out our new destination guide for Sin City! We can book hotels, villas and apartments and our bespoke Dollar Delivery service, makes it super easy to get hold of cash while you’re out in Vegas.

888Live Barcelona

888poker LIVE’s next destination is the vibrant, energetic city of Barcelona! Get your culture fix and soak in the sights in between incredible poker tournaments. The event starts May 23 and, with $1 million up for grabs and affordable buy-ins, it’s set to be one of the highlights of this year’s poker calendar. The inaugural 888Live Barcelona took place last year and was won by Italian online pro Luigi Shehadeh for a career-best cash of €110,000. British pro William Kassouf, who was leading with 20 left, bust just short of the final table, finishing 11th for €,8000.

888poker and the WSOP

The countdown is now on for the World Series of Poker. 888poker is the exclusive provider of all WSOP online satellites and promotions and is awarding packages worth $12,600 to qualifiers. Satellites start from as little as 1c and the fantastic WSOP Main Event packages include accommodation at the luxurious Vdara Resort from July 3 – 8, plus $10k Main Event buy in and $1,050 expenses.

Don’t worry if you haven’t qualified on 888! MainEventTravel can help with all your Vegas accommodation needs; we have scores of hotels and gorgeous villas available for the whole of the World Series.

More Vegas!

Venetian Deepstack Extravaganza has amped up the DeepStack Extravaganza III schedule for the summer of 2018, guaranteeing more than $31 million across 150 events between May 14 and July 29. That represents 40 events more than what was offered last year and $10 million more in guaranteed prize pools. The PHamous Poker Series Goliath at Planet Hollywood also gets underway next month with a wide range of tournaments to compliment your summer Vegas schedule, starts May 24. The Aria Poker Classic starts May 26 focusing on classic affordable NLHE tourneys as well as some mixed-game offerings and more bigger buy-in events. This year's schedule includes Eight Game Mix, Limit Omaha 8/B, Triple Draw Mix (2-7, A-5, Badugi), No-Limit 2-7, H.O.R.S.E., Triple Stud, PLO8and PLO. The Grand Poker Series at the Golden Nugget gets underway on May 29 and features a wide variety of tournaments from NLH to 8-Game, all with buy-ins to suit players of all levels.

For the low-down on where to eat, drink and party in Las Vegas, don’t miss our new destination guide.

World Poker Tour

WPT has a busy month coming up with events in Vegas and Fresno, California. The WPT Bellagio Elite Poker Championship is an exciting new addition to the Season XVI WPT schedule starts on Tuesday (May 1.) The marquee poker festival also features a special televised WPT $25,000 High Roller May 4-6 featuring the game’s best competitors. WPTDeepStacks Fresno is on from May 18-21 and the WPT Bobby Baldwin Classic takes place may 20-23 at the Aria Resort in Vegas.


Unibet Open Malta takes place next month in conjunction with Casino Malta at the Intercontinental Hotel in the buzzing resort of St. Julian’s. The event, which runs May 16-20, will see Unibet Open joining forces with the Deepstack Open for the first time and gets under way with the two-day €300 + €30 buy-in Unibet Deepstack Open Cup on Wednesday, May 16. The packed schedule will feature a total of 10 different tournaments. In addition to the €1,100 Unibet Open Main Event and the Unibet Deepstack Open Cup, the schedule includes a €220 NL Turbo Bounty tournament, a €330 SuperStack tourney and a special €110 buy-in Ladies Event.


The biggest live poker event in Europe is just a few months away! The Goliath at the Ricoh Arena starts July 26 and is a chance for players of all kinds to compete in the mammoth Main Event for just £100 + £25 – with a guaranteed first prize of £100,000. Get yourself booked in early to avoid disappointment – the Goliath has broken records every year and last year’s event was the biggest yet, with an field of 6,385 entries, creating a mammoth £638,500 prize pool. This year’s Goliath promises to be even bigger and, as well as the Main Event, there are numerous other tourneys on the schedule including several Redtooth Poker events, a ton of Flip ‘n’ Go tourneys, the National 25/50 Event, the Grosvenor UK Women’s Poker Championship and Senior Poker Championship, European Championship Of Amateur Poker events, a tag team tourney, a £335 buy-in Super High Roller and a 4/5/6 Omaha tourney.


There are two Super Stack Red Series Spain events next month. The first is at Casino Admiral San Roque from May 3-6 with a second stop at the end of the month, starting May 31 at Casino Torrequebrada near Malaga. Both events have a €170 + €20 buy-in with three start flights, 40,000 starting stacks and re-entries permissible until the end of Level 11 on Day 1. There’s also a €85 + €10 Supersonic Side Event on the Sunday of each event, starting at 4pm. The Super Stack Platinum Series Spain takes place at Casino Marbella from May 15 to 20. The event has a €340 + €40 buy-in with two start flights, 60,000 starting stack and re-entries until the end of Level 11 on Day 1.

Other events around Europe include Unibet Deepstack Open in the gorgeous Italian resort of Sanremo from May 17-20, MEGASTACK Dublin running May 12-14 at the city’s Bonnington Hotel and Leg 8 of the Genting Poker Series in Birmingham.

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