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Friday 16th February, 2024

With Six Weeks to go Now is the Time to Book Irish Open Hotels!

By Kelly Saxby

With just 6-weeks to go before one of the most prestigious and historic festivals in the world kicks off, now is the time to get your Irish Open Hotel booked (and your Flights if you haven't yet!!) 

The festival returns to RDS for eight-days from March 25 to April 1 2024 and features a €1 million guaranteed Main Event and a €200 buy-in Mini Irish Open with €500,000 guarantee.

As Travel Partner to Irish Open, MET is offering amazing rates on Hotels from €117 per night, and Hotel + Buy-in Packages from  €1089!

4* Clayton Hotel Ballsbridge starting from €179 per night B&B

Select Pay Now on the Hotel search for this price OR purchase as part of a package...A stone's throw from the RDS, the hotel is a traditional four-star nestled in the heart of Dublin's gorgeous Ballsbridge district that has been restored to the highest standards with spacious rooms (pictured below). Amenities include the newly launched Grandstand Bar & Restaurant where a traditional fry-up awaits you or the Vitality Breakfast Selection if you’re after a less carb-heavy option.

4* Sandymount Hotel starting from €166 per night B&B

Select Pay Hotel and click on the Sandymount in the results to get the best price!! 

A hidden gem, known for its long and breezy beach and beautifully landscaped gardens, providing idyllic walks. Sandymount Hotel was awarded 4-star status in 2017 after an €8 million refurbishment including the upgrade of bedrooms (pictured below), the Line Out Bar, and Whitty’s Restaurant and outdoor terrace. Buffet-style breakfast featuring a full Irish and continental, and room service available.

MET has fantastic Pre-paid and Pay When You Stay rates at loads of Hotels dotted around Dublin, and players can book their Accommodation, Flights, and Buy-ins all in one place. Book today to get the best rates!

Don’t forget booking with MET means you can get involved in our #FinalTableFreeroll promotion where you can win back up to 100% of Tournament Travel booked with MET in all Irish Open Multi-Day events!

Kelly Saxby, MET Retail Sales & Marketing Consultant, said: “#FinalTableFreeroll is a truly massive promotion, and we hope to see MainEventTravel awarding players thousands in travel credit this year. This promotion means your entire travel expense could be on us, making you a winner both on and off the table. You are booking poker travel anyway, so why not do it with a provider that gives you an opportunity to win back up to 100% of your Tournament Travel.”

Head to MET's Irish Open 2024 Event Page today to book these amazing rates while they are available!!

Herbert Park - 4* - 0.15 miles to RDS from 215 per night B&B

A fantastic four-star hotel (pictured below) that lies close to the main entrance of the RDS and overlooks a magnificent 48-acre park. It’s the perfect place to relax after a hard day at the poker tables with facilities that include a bar, restaurant, coffee shop and fully-equipped fitness centre.

easyhotel Dublin - 2* - 2.56 miles to RDS from only 119 per night room only 

Cheap and cheerful option located in Dublin City Centre (below) 

Rusell Court - 3* - 1.56 miles to RDS from only 129 per night room only 

Steeped in History and Georgian charm, Harcourt street is now home to Dublin’s liveliest and trendiest bars and nightclubs. The hotel boasts 40 beautifully styled guest bedrooms while incorporating Dublin’s trendiest nightlife experience. The Russell Court Hotel (pictured below) is under 2 miles from the action but is located in the heart of Dublin's nightlife.


The Intercontinental Dublin - 5* - 0.17 mile to RDS

Located on two acres of gardens, InterContinental Dublin is the capital's only true five-star urban resort (pictured below) where traditional luxury meets old-school glamour. The InterContinental is only a short stroll away from the RDS Arena and all the action on the felt.

Pembroke Townhouse - 4* - 0.50 mile to RDS

Pembroke Townhouse is 4-star Guesthouse (pictured below) located in the heart of Dublin’s Georgian district, Ballsbridge. Impeccably restored in 2019 & attentively staffed, they continue to merge traditional Georgian elegance with contemporary style to create a Townhouse with its own unique, welcoming personality.

Hilton Dublin - 4* - 1.22 miles to RDS

Overlooking the Grand Canal in Dublin’s city centre, Hilton Dublin (pictured below) is located less than 1.5 miles from the RDS Arena. The Charlemont tram stop is a two-minute walk, providing easy access to sights, shops, concerts, and the action on the felt. They offer indoor secure car parking, event space, a restaurant and bar, a fitness centre, and free WiFi.

Staycity Dublin Mark Street - 3* - 1.53 miles to RDS

The Staycity aparthotel (pictured below) is bang smack in the centre of the action, brushing up next to the historic Trinity College and just around the corner from the National Gallery. With great transport links on their doorstep, it makes it easy to travel to the RDS Arena for all the excitement of the Irish Poker Open.

Staycity City Quay - 3* - 1.6 miles to RDS

The super-central aparthotel (pictured below) boasts views across the famous River Liffey. Just up the road from Trinity College and close to Dublin's City Centre, it is a great hotel to mix both poker and sightseeing.

MainEventTravel.com also has FANTASTIC deals on Special Offer Buy-in + Accommodation Packages for the Irish Open. Head to the website to book one of 8 Special Offer Packages today!

Advance Buy-ins

In addition to providing packages, hotels, and flights, MainEventTravel.com will also has Buy-ins available for purchase online, saving you exchanging and carrying loads of currency in advance of your trip. Register for the Main Event, the Mini Irish Open, the High Roller, the PLO Mystery Bounty, the Ladies, the Seniors, the Liam Flood Memorial, THMC and more. 

Bespoke Poker Travel

MET is the Poker Travel site created by Poker Players who know what matters to you! Looking for a bespoke travel package? Want more nights added to a package? Email irishopen@maineventtravel.com with your requirements and we can create a travel package tailored to you!

Semi-professional poker player and MainEventTravel Managing Director Fraser MacIntyre, said: “We are absolutely delighted once again to be the Official Travel Partner to Europe’s longest-running, most prestigious and lively poker festival. We look forward to assisting every player making their way to Dublin with all their travel needs!

The Irish Open

The 2023 Irish Open Main Event was the biggest poker tournament ever held in Ireland and attracted a staggering 2,491 entries. The prize pool more than double the guarantee at €2,428,725 and players were awarded more than €4.5 million in prize money across the whole festival.

The Irish Open – the longest-running No Limit poker tournament in Europe – is a hugely popular event and a mainstay of the European poker calendar. Thousands attend the event every year and past Main Event champions include the likes of James Mitchell, Kevin Vandersmissen, Ian Simpson, Patrick Clarke, Griffin Benger, Steve O’Dwyer and – most recently – Scottish poker wiz and UKIPT Player of the Year 2023, David Docherty.

The €1,000,000 guaranteed Main Event, coupled with legendary Dublin hospitality, makes the Irish Open a truly unmissable event. Since it was first held back in 1981, the event is now the longest-running No Limit Texas Hold’em poker tournament in the world after the World Series of Poker. The festival has become a must-attend stop on the international poker circuit for players from as far afield as Australia, Canada and the USA – and provides craic on a level seen nowhere else in the world.

Full schedule available here.

Photo Credit: Irish Open

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