Event: #8 - $1,100 Main Event ($990 + $110)
Date: Day 1b, July 27, 1 pm
Blinds: 40/60 Minutes
Start Stack: 30,000
Late Entry: 9 Levels (~8:15 pm)
Day 1 Ends: 12.5% of Field plus 1

PPT Ambassador Haven Taylor bagged the big stack from Day 1a with a bit more than 500k, so she will be the stack everyone is chasing on 1b. The action gets going at 1 pm with 30k to start and 40-minute blinds for Day 1 play.

Day 1a played through almost 16 full levels, but that won't matter for 1b as they will play down to 12.5% + 1 before they bag, however long it takes. Whichever day ends earliest will mark the start point for Day 2 with that level finishing out at 40 minutes and the next level clicking into 60 minutes.