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SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '68'

0.0231 SECONDS:
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0.0232 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0051 SECONDS:
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0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blogs` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `tour_stop_id` = 2148

WSOPC Canada - Calgary Event #12: $250 Flip & Go ($205 + $45) Live Reporting - Day GOSTAGE
1 New Update - Click to refresh
Place Player Prize (CAD)
1 Nicholas Lee $CAD19,298
2 Talal Shoush $CAD11,927
3 Johnny Gagelonia $CAD8,569
4 Barry Frey $CAD6,259
5 Haven Taylor $CAD4,649
6 Patrick 'Egption' Tardif $CAD3,513
7 Jonathan Newman $CAD2,700
8 Graham Lupton $CAD2,113
9 Brant Taylor $CAD1,683
10 Craig Caldwell $CAD1,366
11 Eric Westrum $CAD1,366
12 Anthony Manfredi $CAD1,366
13 Ryan Nickle $CAD1,129
14 Justin Pennell $CAD1,129
15 Kyle Nuttley $CAD1,129
16 Shariq Khan $CAD951
17 Gordon Goble $CAD951
18 Dusan Boricic $CAD951
19 Andrew Goosen $CAD817
20 Fred Werezak $CAD817
21 Robert Limpert $CAD817
22 Troy Chehayeb $CAD716
23 Yiqiang Xie $CAD716
24 Marc Lavergne $CAD716
25 Dominick French $CAD640
26 Wesley Peters $CAD640
27 Christian Wallmuth $CAD640
28 Kayvan Payman $CAD584
29 Colby Niven $CAD584
30 Ali Razzaq $CAD584
31 Darren Kennedy $CAD544
32 Josh Mitchell $CAD544
33 Akshat Bajaj $CAD544
34 Shane Brotherwood $CAD518
35 $CAD518
36 Qingwei Meng $CAD518
37 Cuong Lieu $CAD505
38 Srinivas Gottiparthi $CAD505
39 Shawn Caron $CAD505
40 Lu Chao $CAD505
41 DJ Sharma $CAD505
42 Derek Cuevas $CAD505
43 Darren Fair $CAD505
44 Jeet Shergill $CAD505
45 Sean Eichendorf $CAD505
46 Nicholas Andreas $CAD505
47 Steve Desjarlais $CAD505
48 Aliaksandr Konak $CAD505
49 John Windchester $CAD505

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