0.0004 SECONDS:
SHOW TABLES FROM `maineven_met-base`

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `page_views` WHERE `date` = '2025-03-11' AND `url` = 'https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2024_KOT_555_Champ/1C/updates' ORDER BY `views` DESC

0.0006 SECONDS:
INSERT INTO `page_views` (`url`, `views`, `date`) VALUES ('https://www.maineventtravel.com/live-reporting/2024_KOT_555_Champ/1C/updates', 1, '2025-03-11')

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'GBP' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'USD' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'EUR'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'GBP'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `rate` FROM `exchange_rates` WHERE `currency_iso_from` = 'EUR' AND `currency_iso_to` = 'USD'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `settings`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `white_label_version_id` = 0

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT `tours`.* FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `venue` = '0' AND `festival` = '0' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0002 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tours` WHERE `active` = '1' AND `festival` = '1' ORDER BY `order` ASC

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'tour'

0.0001 SECONDS:
SELECT `id`, `name`, `url` FROM `destinations` WHERE `active` = 1 ORDER BY `display_order`

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `pages`.*, `parents`.`url_name` as `parent_url_name` FROM `pages` LEFT JOIN `pages` as `parents` ON `parents`.`id` = `pages`.`parent_page_id` WHERE `pages`.`active` = '1'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_id` FROM `white_label_inclusions` JOIN `white_label_versions` ON `white_label_versions`.`id` = `white_label_inclusions`.`white_label_version_id` WHERE `white_label_versions`.`url` = 'maineventtravel.com' AND `white_label_inclusions`.`entity_type` = 'page'

0.0036 SECONDS:
SELECT `venues`.*, (select COUNT(*) from tour_stops where tour_stops.venue_id=venues.id AND tour_stops.end_date > curdate() AND tour_stops.active = 1) tour_stop_count FROM `venues` WHERE `display_in_navigation` = '1' LIMIT 30

0.0005 SECONDS:
SELECT tour_stop_blogs.*, tours.page_background as page_background, tours.page_header as page_header, currencies.name as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol, currencies.ISO_4217_code as currency_code, tour_stops.logo as tour_stop_logo, tour_stops.name as tour_stop_name, tour_stop_blog_days.name as current_day_name, tours.id as tour_id, CASE WHEN tour_stops.logo IS NULL or tour_stops.logo = '' THEN tours.logo ELSE tour_stops.logo END AS logo, tours.name as tour_name, tours.logo as tour_logo, venues.name as venue_name, venues.location as venue_location, venues.map_latitude as venue_latitude, venues.map_longitude as venue_longitude, venues.image as venue_image FROM `tour_stop_blogs` LEFT JOIN `currencies` ON `currencies`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`currency_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stops` ON `tour_stops`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`tour_stop_id` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_days` ON `tour_stop_blog_days`.`id` = `tour_stop_blogs`.`current_day_id` LEFT JOIN `tours` ON `tours`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`tour_id` LEFT JOIN `venues` ON `venues`.`id` = `tour_stops`.`venue_id` WHERE `friendly_url` = '2024_KOT_555_Champ'

0.0003 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '90'

0.0307 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0058 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '224' AND `published` = 1

0.0275 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0057 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '230' AND `published` = 1

0.0277 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0059 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' AND `published` = 1

0.0276 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0056 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '236' AND `published` = 1

0.0280 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '237' AND `published` = 1

0.0275 SECONDS:
SELECT `content` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `content` LIKE "%
0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `numrows` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '240' AND `published` = 1

0.0004 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blog_days` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_id` = '90' AND `name` = '1C'

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`published` = 1 AND `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10020' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10019' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10015' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10013' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10011' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10007' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10006' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10005' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0068 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10001' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10000' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9997' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9998' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9993' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9992' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9987' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9988' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9983' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9982' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9977' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9973' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9970' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9969' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9966' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9963' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9959' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9956' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9951' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9949' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9947' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9946' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9942' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9944' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9940' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9938' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0110 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9934' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0093 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9932' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9929' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9926' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9924' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9922' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9920' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9918' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9916' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9915' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9912' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '224' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0059 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '230' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.*, `users`.`full_name` as `full_name` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`user_id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' ORDER BY `tour_stop_blog_day_posts`.`datetime` DESC

0.0077 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10020' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10019' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0078 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10015' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0073 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10013' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10011' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0074 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10007' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10006' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10005' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10001' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '10000' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9997' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9998' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9993' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9992' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9987' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9988' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9983' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9982' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9977' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0064 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9976' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9973' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0085 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9970' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9969' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9966' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0077 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9963' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9959' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9956' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0070 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9951' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0165 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9949' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9947' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9946' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0110 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9942' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0061 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9944' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0066 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9940' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9938' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9934' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9932' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0065 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9929' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9926' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9924' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9922' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0063 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9920' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0167 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9918' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9916' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9915' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0067 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.*, `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`country_code` AS `player_country_code` FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress` LEFT JOIN `tour_stop_blog_day_players` ON `tour_stop_blog_day_post_progress`.`tour_stop_blog_day_player_id` = `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.`id` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_post_id` = '9912' ORDER BY `chip_change` DESC, `busted` ASC

0.0059 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '231' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0060 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '236' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0062 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '237' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0059 SECONDS:
SELECT `tour_stop_blog_day_players`.* FROM `tour_stop_blog_day_players` WHERE `tour_stop_blog_day_id` = '240' ORDER BY `busted` ASC, `current_chips` DESC

0.0006 SECONDS:
SELECT * FROM `tour_stop_blogs` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `tour_stop_id` = 2351

Kings of Tallinn 2024 Event #12: €555 Championship (English) Live Reporting - Day 3
1 New Update - Click to refresh
Live Updates - Day 1C
19:28 (UTC+2)
Day 1C of Kings of Tallinn 2024 Ended
Level: 9     Blinds: 600/1,200     Ante: 1,200
Bengt-Anders Johnsson Leads €555 Championship After Day 1c Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 19:26(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Day 1c of the €555 Championship added 209 more entries to the field to bring the total up to 451 entries with still Day 1d yet to kick off at 9 p.m. The field will get even larger tomorrow with late registration open for the first three blind levels of Day 2.

Sweden's Bengt-Anders Johnsson not only performed the best on Day 1c but also is currently the only player above 200,000 in chips after bagging up 212,600.

Bulgaria's Presiyan Tsvetanov was near the top of the leaderboard throughout the day ended in second place on Day 1c with 179,200 with the Finnish duo of Juhana Konttinen (155,500) and Luka Sorainen not too far behind.

Meanwhile, 2005 Kings of Tallinn Main Event champion and 2023 WSOPC Tallinn ring winner Ranno Sootla was unable to get anything going today as was the case with high-roller Paul Newey and local favorite Rauno "Estonian Jesus" Tahvonen (pictured below).

Check out the chip counts of the 102 survivors below:

Player Country Chips Big Blinds
Bengt-Anders Johnsson SWE 212,600 177
Presiyan Tsvetanov BGR 179,200 149
Juhana Konttinen FIN 166,600 139
Luka Sorainen FIN 159,300 133
Christian Rysgaard DNK 158,400 132
Daniel Smith GBR 149,500 125
Haukur Bodvarsson ISL 148,300 124
Oscar Peleg SWE 130,800 109
Simon Persson SWE 125,000 104
Christian Fuglholt DNK 123,700 103
Sebastian Wahl FIN 116,600 97
Santtu Leinonen FIN 110,300 92
Anna-Mari Hursti FIN 109,000 91
Dangiras Kuzulis LTU 108,600 91
Sander Leigri EST 107,700 90
Tarmo Anton EST 93,700 78
Risto Parnat EST 90,500 75
Maher Mahmoud SWE 90,000 75
Sultans Ertinhajevs LVA 88,000 73
Viktor Chaikin LVA 85,600 71
Christopher Ekvall SWE 82,200 69
Hans Erlandsson SWE 80,500 67
Eldars Sadih-Zade LVA 78,000 65
Michael Ibba ITA 77,900 65
Wissam Polus SWE 77,500 65
Mikko Ylamaki FIN 77,300 64
Ridas Bitauskas LTU 76,700 64
Jethro Rostedt FIN 75,300 63
Ignas Navickas LTU 75,100 63
Marcin Niedzwiecki POL 74,800 62
Glen Kolmer EST 73,900 62
Moya Guinot ESP 72,300 60
Priit Vanem EST 71,000 59
Viktor Eriksson SWE 69,600 58
Viktorija Ignataviciene LTU 68,300 57
Kaspars Burka LVA 64,300 54
Riku Hanninen FIN 62,200 52
Angel Rodriguez ESP 61,000 51
Grigory Zima 60,300 50
Tuomas Jalonen FIN 59,200 49
Mart Tammoja EST 59,200 49
Inigo Robles ESP 58,900 49
Sakari Setala FIN 58,200 49
Tanel Tammela EST 56,500 47
Vytautas Laurinaitis LTU 56,000 47
Mindaugas Kriauciunas LTU 55,700 46
Thomas Haverstad NOR 55,500 46
Jon Martinez ESP 54,500 45
Gustaf Soderholm SWE 53,900 45
Kasper Mellanen FIN 52,300 44
Boris Smolianskii ISR 51,100 43
Adria Comas I Roura ESP 50,300 42
Markus Pohjola FIN 49,600 41
Vasilijus Piskunovas LTU 49,400 41
Oskar Ojaveer EST 48,500 40
Jordi Baixas ESP 47,700 40
Anton Pereyaslov EST 47,200 39
Matias Knaapinen FIN 47,000 39
Aaron Kulomaa FIN 45,800 38
Steponas Venckus LTU 43,500 36
Artjoms Skvarkovskis LVA 42,000 35
Roi Gibstein DEU 41,900 35
Kevin Karenius FIN 41,800 35
Kaarel Vohandu EST 41,400 35
Juho Heiska FIN 39,800 33
Alberto Gonzalez ESP 38,600 32
Lucas Cravero ITA 38,500 32
Aleksandr Kuperman EST 38,000 32
Per Engstrom SWE 37,900 32
Mats Forss SWE 37,600 31
Robert Schiffbauer USA 37,600 31
Kristian Kostiander FIN 35,500 30
Benjamin Gros FRA 35,200 29
George Sandford GBR 35,100 29
Jani Tuovinen FIN 34,300 29
Ari Varonen FIN 34,300 29
Andrejs Perederejevs LVA 33,900 28
Karri Uusi-Aijo FIN 32,400 27
Maksim Petrov EST 31,800 27
Andrei Silencov MDA 31,100 26
Nils Burman SWE 29,700 25
Svetozar Marinov BGR 28,700 24
Denis Rebouh FRA 28,100 23
Klavs Garselis LVA 27,400 23
Tero Kilkanen FIN 27,300 23
Jonathan Walker GBR 26,800 22
Nils Butevics LVA 26,700 22
Kaspars Mamons LVA 26,500 22
Hans Bergstrom SWE 25,800 22
Bengt Blad SWE 24,300 20
Audrius Navickas LTU 23,600 20
Arto Lehtonen FIN 23,500 20
Johan Palokangas FIN 23,400 20
Dennis Zetterman SWE 21,000 18
Andre Al-Khabbaz SWE 19,200 16
Dmitri Dudakov EST 19,000 16
Elias Vaaraniemi FIN 18,600 16
Kent Wulff SWE 16,500 14
Antonios Onoufriou CYP 16,000 13
Heiko Hinkelmann DEU 15,400 13
Allan Arjut EST 9,200 8

Final 3 Hands Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 18:20(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

The clock has been stopped at 12:14 remaining in Level 9 and the dealers at each table have been asked to finish the hand they are on and then deal three more hands.

Players surviving these final hands will bag their stacks into tomorrow's Day 2 kicking off at Noon. In the meantime, players can still try to earn a big stack into Day 2 through tonight's final opening flight with Day 1d kicking off at 9 p.m.

We will update the final chip counts of the €555 Championship in about an hour. We will also update with the final Day 1d chip counts later in the evening along with a Day 2 seat draw shortly after.

Leinonen Doubles With a Straight Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 18:08(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 9: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 112/209

Kasper Mellanen checked the board. Santtu Leinonen (picture below from 2023 WSOPC Tallinn) bet 10,000 into a pot of around 25,000.

Mellanen went into the tank before he effectively jammed his big stack. Leinonen called off for less than 25,000 soon after and turned over the for a straight. Mellanen was strong as well but not strong enough as he turned over the for trips to double Leinonen.

Player Chips Progress
Santtu Leinonen 75,000 45,000
Kasper Mellanen 50,000 20,000
WSOPC Tallinn Ring Winner and WSOP Bracelet Champ Ranno Sootla in the House Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 18:02(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 9: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 113/209

WSOPC Tallinn ring champion and WSOP bracelet winner Ranno Sootla won the first-ever Kings of Tallinn when neither was really well-known yet internationally. Now both Sootla and the Kings of Tallinn are both on the global stage.

Despite now focusing on cash games, Sootla always comes to Olympic Park Casino to battle in tournaments whenever there is a big festival in town. Today was no different as he late-entered Day 1c of the €555 Championship.

Sootla is a legend of the game and one of the nicest guys you will meet on the tournament circuit. We wish the local hero success this week at the Kings of Tallinn. Perhaps he will become the first two-time champion? It won't be easy with many equally hungry players standing in his way, but he has shown time and time again he has the skills to get the job done.

Player Chips Progress
Ranno Sootla 45,000 15,000
Final Day 1c Blind Level Begins Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 17:53(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 9: 600/1,200 (1,200)
Entries: 116/209

The floor just announced with the change of the blind level that this is the final blind level of Day 1c. The clock will stop with about 10 minutes (give or take) left on the clock when each table will be asked to finish the hand they are on before playing out a random amount of hands.

Those with no luck so far, can enter the final Day 1d flight at 9 p.m. This flight differs from the rest of the event, as it is a turbo-charged affair with 25-minute blind levels.

17:50 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 9
Blinds: 600/1,200     Ante: 1,200
More Than 100 Already in the €350 PKO Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 17:42(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

The €350 NLH Progressive Bounty is off to a hot start with 101 entries during the early parts of Level 2.

Players will enjoy 20-minute blind levels and can re-enter until their hearts are content before the start of Level 10.

Last night's 8-Game runner-up Andres Abakanov, Kert Hallik (pictured below), Juuso Kauppi, Modestas Kryzanauskas, and Jari Porkka were among the players noticed in the poker room battling it out during the early blind levels.

Good luck to all of the bounty players!

Estonian Jesus Off to Rest... Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 17:35(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

It has been many years since Estonia's Rauno Tahvonen, affectionately known as Estonian Jesus from the time he had very long hair, has graced his presense at Olympic Park Casino for an international festival.

He was in Tallinn visiting for a few months from his new home in British Columbia, Canada and now is hungry for a trophy.

It didn't work out for Estonian Jesus in the €555 Championship on Day 1c today as he was seen chilling outside the poker room.

"I am playing heads-up now against myself," joked Estonian Jesus. 

"Will you get back into Day 1c or Day 1d?" we asked.

"No, I will go home to rest," said Estonian Jesus. "I plan to play the PLO satellite tonight as I would really like to play the PLO Championship tomorrow."

The satellite Estonian Jesus is referring to is the €80 satellite guaranteeing five tickets to the €1,100 Omaha Championship on Tuesday. Estonian Jesus will have plenty of time to rest, as this satellite is a late-night affair kicking off at 11 p.m.

Best of luck this week to Estonian Jesus in finding gold at the 2024 Kings of Tallinn powered by OlyBet.

Player Chips Progress
Rauno Tahvonen 0 0
Check Out the First Episode of the OlyBet Poker Podcast Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 17:20(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

This author (Jason Glatzer) hosted a podcast earlier in the week alongside Kings of Tallinn tournament director Teresa Nousiainen and long-time poker players Kelly Limonova and Anne Bezdek.

This was the initial launch of a new podcast and has lots of cool information about the history of the Kings of Tallinn, what to expect during the festival, along with many other fun tidbits.

Check out the podcast below:

Wesolek Delivers Bad Beat to Comas I Roura Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 17:14(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 8: 500/1,000 (1,000)
Entries: 135/203

Just before the blinds increased, we noticed Allan Arjut taking a break from mixed games to play some two-card fun at his table. As we joked that he can ask if he could buy in twice so he could play with more cards, he got a laugh but shortly after the next hand was dealt which resulted in Bartosz Wesolek delivering a bad beat to Adria Comas I Roura (pictured below from the 2023 Kings of Tallinn Summer Showdown)

Comas I Roura opened for a min-raise from middle position before Wesolek jammed for 7,200 from the cutoff. Roi Gibstein asked about the jam-sizing before he opted to fold from the big blind with Comas I Roura snap-calling moments later.

Adria Comas I Roura:
Bartosz Wesolek:

Comas I Roura seemed to take it well when his cowboys were defeated by Wesolek's full house after the ran out on the board.

Player Chips Progress
Bartosz Wesolek 16,500 13,500
Adria Comas I Roura 13,000 17,000
17:14 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 8
Blinds: 500/1,000     Ante: 1,000
Seven Players Already Advance to Final Day of OlyBet Flip & Go Mystery Bounty Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 16:52(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

As we mentioned earlier in the coverage, Joonas Helin bought all nine seats in the €150 Flip & Go Mystery Bounty with a total price tag of €1,350.

What we didn't mention, is that this flip was run out. Fellow Finns Jari Hurri and Heikki Piira followed the same route as Helin, although they decided not to bother even running the flip.

Four other players punch their ticket to the final day on March 3 when a top €10,000 mystery bounty prize will be on the line. Josh Stewart, 2024 €350 Kings of Tallinn Cup champion Sven Omland (pictured below), and Mart Antikainen all ran pure and advanced on their first try, while Henri Antikainen also advanced with only two bullets.

Prize Pool Over €200K! Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 16:46(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

The prize pool in the €555 Championship has reached €202,400 with 198 entries in the mix thus far on Day 1c growing the field to 432 entries and counting.

The final opening flight in Day 1d kicks off today at 9 p.m. and players can still get into the mix with late registration and re-entries open during the first three blind levels of Tuesday's Day 2.

Defending Champ Benjamin Gros Near Chip Lead Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 16:33(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Iceland's Haukur Bodvarsson has made his second Day 1c bullet count as he has already amassed 135,000 in chips from his 30,000 starting stack at the second break.

In other news, France's Benjamin Gros (pictured below) is back and ready to defend his title. He is off to a hot start and was among the chip leaders at the break.

Check out below some of the top stacks from around the room.

Player Chips Progress
Haukur Bodvarsson 135,000 105,000
Presiyan Tsvetanov 131,600 101,600
Bengt-Anders Johnsson 125,000 95,000
Daniel Smith 120,300 90,300
Oscar Peleg 95,000 65,000
Benjamin Gros 92,000 62,000
Dominik Ostrowski 90,000 60,000
Viktor Eriksson 90,000 60,000
Ridas Bitauskas 88,000 58,000
16:30 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 7
Blinds: 400/800     Ante: 800
Second and Final Day 1c Break Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 16:10(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Players are on their second and final 15-minute break. We will update the top stacks from around the room shortly after the action resumes for three more blind levels until surviving players bag their stacks into tomorrow's Day 2.

"Where Else Can You Get a Pot-Limit Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw" Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 16:09(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Famous poker streamer Scott "PokerBrahs" Kenyon was busy checking up on his friend and fellow streamer Oskar "DeckFlow" Ojaveer after he busted the €150 NLH/PLO4/PLO5 event.

"I was thinking of re-entering, but decided that wasn't the best plan," Kenyon shared. "I plan to instead take a break before I enter the €250 Pot-Limit Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw at 7 p.m."

This event is a staple in Tallinn but not run anywhere else as far as we know. There was even a €555 WSOP Circuit ring event on tap during the inaugural World Series of Poker Circuit in Tallinn. This was also the first-ever for a WSOP Circuit ring event.

"Where else can you get a pot-limit deuce-to-seven triple draw tournament?" Kenyon asked rhetorically. "I have to play it."

We agreed with Kenyon's assessment and wish him the best of luck in winning a trophy in this unique event starting at 7 p.m.

Helin Buys His Way Into Day 2 of the OlyBet Flip & Go Mystery Bounty Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 15:49(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

As we mentioned earlier in the coverage, the second and final day of the €150 OlyBet Flip & Go Mystery Bounty helps conclude the Kings of Tallinn on Sunday, March 3 when at least a €10,000 top mystery bounty prize is guaranteed.

This is unlike most other mystery bounty events as players will need to flip their way into the money in one-hand flips. The flips will run all week long starting on the first break after Level 3. 

Finland's Joonas Helin (pictured below at the 2023 Kings of Tallinn Summer Showdown) had a different approach during the last break where he decided to remove all variance and buy all nine spots. Kings of Tallinn founder Teresa Nousiainen explained the backstory.

"Joonas came up to me yesterday and said: 'I never have won a flip during the Flip & Go before," Nousiainen began. "He asked if he could buy out the table and automatically advance. I confirmed that this was within the rules and he took pride in advancing to Day 2 for the first time in a Flip & Go Mystery Bounty tournament at Olympic Park Casino and the Hilton Tallinn Park.

It is worth dropping by the flips table whether you plan to flip or not as they always provide tons of excitement and drama. Best of luck if you decide to flip away in advancing to Day 2.

Mikk Runs Into Rostedt's Full House Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 15:37(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 6: 300/600 (600)
Entries: 144/180

Just before the blinds increased, Ralf Mikk committed his stack of around 10,000 with the on the board after the flop and was up against Jethro Rostedt.

Ralf Mikk:
Jethro Rostedt:

Mikk was behind but things got worse on the turn. Despite holding a flush draw, he was drawing dead to Rostedt's full house. The river completed the board and Mikk will need to re-enter if he wishes to advance to Day 2 via the Day 1c opening flight.

Player Chips Progress
Jethro Rostedt 50,000 20,000
Ralf Mikk 0 0
15:34 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 6
Blinds: 300/600     Ante: 600
€150 NLH/PLO4/PLO5 Begins Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 15:32(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Event #19: €150 NLH/PLO4/PLO5 puts hold'em and Omaha lovers against each other in a poker battle that changes between three games.

The event has already attracted 69 entries but there are just 62 players remaining early on Level 2. 

Norway's Jorg Blu and his partner Tove Kristiansen both love poker and hopped into the event. So far so good for Kristiansen, but Blu will need to re-enter as he was one of the seven players to already hit the rail.

There is still plenty of time to hop into this event with nine levels of late registration and a 20-minute clock. Best of luck to all of the €150 NLH/PLO4/PLO5 players.

Paul Newey Back in Action Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 15:17(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 5: 200/500 (500)
Entries: 144/172

Paul Newey (pictured below) is a well-known poker aficionado who has played the highest-stakes tournaments in the world including one with a seven-figure buy-in.

We are honored to have him both yesterday and today competing for his spot in Kings of Tallinn history in the €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship.  He is at a table with the 'yoga stretching' Rauno "Estonian Jesus" Tahvonen, who is back to Tallinn for a visit after moving from Estonia to Canada many years ago.

While Tahvonen was busy with a few-minute stretching exercise, Newey was busy winning chips against Nicolas Courbin.

Newey jammed about half a starting stack with the on the board after the turn and was called by Courbin.

Paul Newey:
Nicolas Courbin:

Newey was ahead with a full house but had to sweat a three outer.

"Nice hand," Courbin genuinely said to Newey after the river completed the board to further improve him to a lesser full house.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Newey 45,000 15,000
Nicolas Courbin 17,000 13,000
Rauno Tahvonen 16,000 14,000
Set of Snowmen for Schiffbauer Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 15:11(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 5: 200/500 (500)
Entries: 147/172

There were 5 players in the pot with 8,700 in the pot when four players checked. Anton Pereyaslov fired out a small bet of 1,500 which got three players to fold with American poker globetrotter Robbie Schiffbauer the only player to call.

Both players checked the turn before Schiffbauer bet 3,500 on the river. Pereyaslov tanked for about 20 seconds before he called. Schiffbauer turned over the for a set of snowmen and won the pot after Pereyaslov mucked his cards.

Player Chips Progress
Robbie Schiffbauer 55,000 25,000
Anton Pereyaslov 50,000 10,000
14:52 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 5
Blinds: 200/500     Ante: 500
Sandford Playing With Two Cards Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:50(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 4: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 145/165

WSOPC Tallinn poker commentator George Sandford (pictured below) is back in Tallinn. This time as a player at the 2024 Kings of Tallinn. He made a deep run yesterday in the €555 Pot-Limit Omaha 4 & 5 Cards PKO but hit the rail before the money and now is trying to see if he can have a better result playing with two cards.

While Sandford is primarily known as a PLO cash game beast, he also has had some success in tournaments (even in hold'em) over the years. He is off to a decent start when he got his stack in the middle in the following hand.

There was already nearly 10,000 in chips in the pot when both Mikko Ylamaki and Sandford checked the flop. Ylamaki fired out for 3,500 on the turn which results in a snap-call by Sandford.

Ylamaki bet 5,500 after the river completed the board. Sandford jammed for 19,500 about 30 seconds later. Ylamaki paused for a few moments before giving up on the hand to send Sandford back above a starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
George Sandford 41,000 11,000
Mikko Ylamaki 35,000 5,000
Oskar Ojaveer Busy 'Recharging' Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:29(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 4: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 139/156

Poker streamer Oskar Ojaveer wasn't able to get much going on Day 1c and was recently on the rail.

"This isn't a good place for you to be," we said when Ojaveer was standing in front of the media desk.

Ojaveer appeared confused by the statement, so we reassured him that standing in front of the media desk was fine, but him being out of Day 1c early wasn't the best one could hope for.

"Are you re-entering?" we asked.

"I am not sure yet," replied Ojaveer with a huge smile. "I am recharging, then we will see."

Player Chips Progress
Oskar Ojaveer 0 0
Eight-Six Suited Good For Jezov Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:23(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 4: 200/400 (400)
Entries: 137/152

Maksim Petrov bet 3,500 into a pot of around double that with the on the board after the turn and was called by Roman Jezov.

Both players checked the river. Petrov turned over the for a bricked gutshot straight draw with his ten and eight still also alive on the river. Jezov showed the which was good enough to win the pot with two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Roman Jezov 35,000 5,000
Maksim Petrov 25,000 5,000
Day 3 Video Recap at the 2024 Kings of Tallinn Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:17(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Check out the video highlights below from Day 3 of the 2024 Kings of Tallinn at Olympic Park Casino and the adjoining Hilton Tallinn Park.

14:16 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 4
Blinds: 200/400     Ante: 400
First Break (Don't Forget About Flips) Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:02(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Players are on their first break. The €150 OlyBet Flip & Go Mystery Bounty opening flights consisting of one-hand flips will begin on the break. 

We recommend checking out the action whether you plan to play or not as players typically have fun flipping away creating memorable moments and a fun vibe.

Queens No Good for Lindstrom Against Kontinen's Big Slick Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 14:02(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 3: 100/300 (300)
Entries: 126/139

There was already a bit of action preflop when Kim Lindstrom committed his stack of 6,000. Juhana Kontinen raised to 29,000.  Per Engstrom tanked for several minutes before he folded and forfeited the 4,000 in chips that were in front of him while Evert Andersson came to a similar conclusion a short while later.

Kim Lindstrom:
Juhana Kontinen:

Lindstrom was ahead after both the flop and the turn. However, the spiked the river to push Kontinen ahead with a better pair and Lindstrom was out of chips instead of doubling his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Vygerdas Jonikas 75,000 45,000
Juhana Konttinen 55,000 25,000
Per Engstrom 40,000 10,000
Kim Lindstrom 0 0
Day 1c Officially the Largest Thus Far Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 13:45(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 3: 100/300 (300)
Entries: 124/134

Day 1c is officially the largest opening flight thus far in the €555 Kings of Tallinn Championship with 134 entries in the mix before the first break.

Day 1a was the previous largest opening flight with 133 entries.

Feras Abid, Kim Lindstrom, Aki Nevalainen, poker streamer Oskar Ojaveer (pictured below), Henri Schalin, Sebastian Wahl, and Tero Kilkainen are among the players recently noticed in the field.

Player Chips Progress
Feras Abid 30,000 0
Sebastian Wahl 30,000 0
Tero Kilkainen 30,000 0
Henri Schalin 30,000 0
Kim Lindstrom 30,000 0
Oskar Ojaveer 30,000 0
Aki Nevalainen 30,000 0
Tens Work for Carnestrom Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 13:33(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/300 (300)
Entries: 120/127

Sweden's Gia Carnestrom (pictured below playing the Kings of Tallinn Summer Showdown Queens of Tallinn event has been active in the poker community for decades both as a player and reporter. Although she mostly retired from reporting, she pitched in during last year's Kings of Tallinn for one day as pinch relief. We appreciate everything she has contributed to the poker community over the years.

It hasn't been the hottest of starts for Carnestrom but she just won a smaller pot against Jari Karkkainen as follows.

Carnstrom fired out for about half the pot with a bet of 2,000 on the flop and was snap-called by Karkkainen. Both players checked the turn before both players checked against after the paired the board.

Karkkainen turned over the . Carnestrom didn't connect with the board either, but her was good enough to take down the pot and win back some chips.

Player Chips Progress
Gia Carnestrom 23,000 7,000
Jari Karkkainen 20,000 10,000
13:17 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 3
Blinds: 100/300     Ante: 300
Mystery Bounty Flip & Go's Begin at Break Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 13:14(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 110/115

The second and final day of the €150 OlyBet Flip & Go Mystery Bounty takes place on the final day of the Kings of Tallinn on Sunday, March 3 when at least a €10,000 top mystery bounty prize is guaranteed.

This isn't like any other mystery bounty event as players will need to flip their way into the money in one-hand flips. The flips will run all week long starting on the first break after Level 3.

It is worth dropping by the flips table whether you plan to flip or not as they always provide tons of excitement and drama. Best of luck if you decide to flip away in advancing to Day 2.

Day 1c Century Mark Achieved Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 13:03(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 99/102

The century mark has been achieved for Day 1c with now all three opening flights thus far attracting at least 100 entries.

Antonios Onoufriou, Andrius Bielskis (picture below from 2023 Kings of Tallinn Summer Showdown), Roope Holma, and Kestutis Jungevicius are among the newer entries.

Meanwhile, Aleksander Lattikas hit the rail during Level 2 and has yet to re-enter. However, Iceland's Haukur Bodvarsson opted to get right back in after busting earlier this level with a fresh stack of 30,000.

Player Chips Progress
Kestutis Jungevicius 30,000 0
Roope Holma 30,000 0
Andrius Bielskis 30,000 0
Antonios Onoufriou 30,000 0
Haukur Bodvarsson 30,000 0
Aleksander Lattikas 0 0
Top Pair Not Good Enough for Ivask Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 12:48(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 2: 100/200 (200)
Entries: 87/89

Day 1c lost its first player in Ingmar Ivask just before the blinds increased. Iceland's Haukur Bodvarsson, who was sitting on a short stack before also losing his stack as well, recapped the action.

Ivask fired out on the turn with both a jack coming on the flop and a queen on the turn before Marko Harkonen (pictured below at the 2023 Kings of Tallinn Sumer Showdown) jammed his stack. Ivask called with  and needed a three outer to survive with Harkonen tabling the . No miracle came and Ivask was out the door. Bodvarsson subsequently lost his short stack after the blind level increased at the same table leaving a couple of early big stacks on Table 6.

Player Chips Progress
Marko Harkonen 65,000 35,000
Anton Pereyaslov 60,000 30,000
Ingmar Ivask 0 0
Haukur Bodvarsson 0 0
12:40 (UTC+2)
Start of Level 2
Blinds: 100/200     Ante: 200
Successful Ace-High Hero Call for Ignataviciene Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 12:32(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 77/77

Viktorija Ignataviciene (pictured below) checked the board before Tomi Arponen fired out for 6,000 into a pot of a few chips more.

The mental gears were visibly churning for Ignataviciene who tanked for a couple of minutes before she found a call.

"Your good, nice call," said Arponen who was trying to steal the pot with .

He knew this wasn't going to be good enough for most calls but many others at the table echoed 'nice call' after Ignataviciene tabled the .

Ignataviciene did a respectful quiet fist pump into the air and is off to a hot start on Day 1c.

Player Chips Progress
Viktorija Ignataviciene 45,000 15,000
Tomi Arponen 18,000 12,000
Erlandsson Looking to Continue Success From Paris Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 12:19(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 69/69

Many players (and some staff) have recently arrived in the last couple of days with more to come from Paris where the EPT was taking place.

While poker legend Barny Boatman won the Main Event, Sweden's Hans Erlandsson also had a reason to celebrate as he notched his largest live poker cash with a 14th-place finish worth €63,550. Erlandsson was one of the players to recently arrive from the EPT and is now ready to battle for Kings of Tallinn glory as he was one of the early players in the Day 1c field.

The flight has nearly doubled in size from its opening bell with 69 entries in the mix already midway through Level 1.

Player Chips Progress
Hans Erlandsson 30,000 0
Early Day 1c Entries Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 12:04(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 35/35

Tomi Arponen, Hanna Heinlo, Vygerdas Jonikas, Anna-Mari Hursti (pictured below winning a hand during the 2024 WSOPC Tallinn Main Event), Aleksandr Kuperman, and Jonathan Walker are among the early players in the field at the start of Day 1c.

Best of luck to this crew and everyone else in accumulated a massive stack for Day 2.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Walker 30,000 0
Aleksandr Kuperman 30,000 0
Anna-Mari Hursti 30,000 0
Vygerdas Jonikas 30,000 0
Hanna Heinlo 30,000 0
Tomi Arponen 30,000 0
Cards in the Air for Day 1c Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 12:00(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Level 1: 100/100 (100)
Entries: 35/35

Cards are in the air to start Day 1c of the €555 Championship after preliminary announcements by the Kings of Tallinn founder Teresa Nousiainen about important information about the day. The opening flight began with 35 players in their seats with many more to come throughout the nine blind levels of the day.

11:57 (UTC+2)
Day 1C of Kings of Tallinn 2024 Started
Level: 1     Blinds: 100/100     Ante: 100
Day 1c Begins at Noon Posted Monday 26th February, 2024 at 11:08(UTC+2) by Jason Glatzer

Welcome back to the 2024 Kings of Tallinn at Olympic Park Casino from Feb. 23 to March 3. The first three days have been through the roof with many records expected to be shattered during the 10-day festival.

Our live reporting coverage will be brought to you by Jason Glatzer in English while we will also be hosting local coverage in both Estonian and Finnish.

The coverage resumes with Day 1c of the €555 Championship Event with us providing a recap and final chip counts of tonight's Day 1d. Tonight we will also know the initial seat draw for tomorrow's Day 2. So far, the event is ahead of pace to set a new record for this event with 242 entries already getting into the mix.

The €555 Championship boasts four opening flights. Most of the tournament boasts 40-minute blind levels outside of tonight's Day 1d which features a faster structure with 25-minute levels. Each opening flight boasts nine blind levels with re-entries and late registrations allowed for the first three blind levels on Tuesday's Day 2 before closing at the start of Level 13.

Players start with 30,000 in chips with Monday featuring the final two opening flights with Day 1c at 12 p.m. and Day 1d at 9 p.m. 

Last year, France's Benjamin Gros dazzled the crowd at the 2023 Kings of Tallinn €555 Championship after defeating a banner crowd of 559 entries to win the €55,500 top prize. So far, Ukraine's Myhailo Mikhalov leads the 108 players advancing through the first two opening flights with 180,800 in chips.

Our coverage will resume when cards are in the air for Day 1c at noon. Stay tuned to follow along the action until a winner is crowned.

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