Day 1b attracted another 25 entries, bringing the total to 157 when considering the 132 entries on Day 1a. Just nine players survived for 60 survivors in total, with 51 players also bagging up on Day 1a, after ten blind levels of 40 minutes each, led by Estonia's Evgeny Vyal, with 276,500.

This places Vyal just behind Day 1a chip leader Tom Arovaara from Finland, who will start Day 2 on Friday with 365,500.

Check out the chip counts from the Day 1b survivors below:

Place Name Country Chips Big Blinds
1 Evgeny Vyal Estonia 276,500 138
2 Marko Keskel Estonia 189,000 95
3 Timmy Anker Denmark 177,000 89
4 Mykola Kostyrko Ukraine 160,000 80
5 Alberto Gonzalez Spain 156,500 78
6 Paul Koppe Estonia 91,500 46
7 Francisco Racionero Spain 85,500 43
8 Tommi Lankinen Finland 71,000 36
9 Oliver Gamble Denmark 44,000 22